I've lived in NH for less than 10 months. I've been engaged for 2 months. We're not getting married for another 17 months. Yet already, the first step of finding a site for our reception is worse than pulling teeth.
I'm not terribly picky, but I would like to stay near the seacoast. My FI and I are getting married in a local church, and I'd prefer to have our reception within a 30-minute radius of the church (in Dover). And how difficult is it to find an affordable site?!? Is a $10,000+ reception really that common in NH?
Any ideas, usual and outrageous, are appreciated. I'm really just looking for a site that is affordable, simple, and reflects what's so great about NH (fall foliage views a bonus).
Hard as love can be, love is the only eternal reality." -George Weigel