So I'm exactly 6 mo to the day today (woo hoo!) and I'm already getting emails and facebook messages from my side's single guests asking if they can bring a guest to the wedding.
My plan based on what I have read already was that single guests would not bring a guest, only those who are: living together, engaged, married or possibly dating for a long period of time would bring their signficant other. Save the dates were sent out in January and speficially addressed to only the guest nothing about "and guest".
All of my single guests know each other very well from HS or College, and I plan on having them sit together during the reception so that they aren't alone or feel left out.
Thankfully the requests I've had already have said "hey it's no big deal if I can't bring a guest", but what do I do? We can't afford extra guests, just about everyone of FI's guests are married and I have at least 16 single guests, that would increase the guest list so quickly!
How are you dealing with this issue as I'm assuming you probably have or will run across is too?
Thank you!