Attire & Accessories Forum

drop veil

Did you wear one? What length? Can I see? I'm seriously considering finding a new veil since I impulsively bought my current one based on another dress a whole year ago. TIA!

Re: drop veil

  • I wore an elbow length one that I made myself. I have some pics in my bio, but my bio kind of sucks, so let me see what else I can dig up:

    Forgive me for holding my bouquet somewhere near my chin:

  • It's gorgeous! How did you make it?
  • Thanks!

    I took a tape measure and draped it over my head to determine what size I'd need. I then took a piece of tulle and folded it into quarters, and marked each of the folded edges at half the size I wanted (the radius of the circle). Then I just cut the circle freehand, and trimmed the rough edges. I attached it to my bun with hair pins.

    Tulle is pretty forgiving, so it doesn't have to be perfect, but if you want it more exact, you can make a template out of paper. Just tie a pencil to a string, and you can trace a perfect circle (or quarter, or semi circle).
  • Mine was a cathedral length (about 114") from the back.  Pictures in my married bio.  My seamstress made mine for $60 but you can find them much cheaper online.
    Ignorance is a poor defense. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I just bought a drop veil from
    and I love it. I got the website from a vendor review on the NY board. Their prices are very reasonable so I thought I'd just order and see if I like it or not, but it is great. Mine is 75" with pencil edging and will attach with pins, so I can make it longer or shorter on the front. Also for the longest time I thought that I am only wearing flowers in my hair, with less than 3 weeks to go, I emailed them to let them know I need it fast, I ordered on Saturday and recieved it on Wednesday. They also have photos of real brides there so you can see how it really looks. (too shy to put my own photo :)
  • Thanks. I actually ordered one from in diamond white.  Occansey has better prices, but I wanted to try it in a color I can return in exchange for the oyster color like my dress. Occansey doesn't have oyster :(
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