Attire & Accessories Forum


Does one need a toss garter?  I found a lovely garter at MyThreeAunts, but I was wondering if I should get the wedding garter set or just the one garter itself. the tradition of the groom tossing the garter is so common in a wedding and I'm not sure I want to give up the one garter I have....

Me being on a bit of a budget freak find that the shop is reasonably priced and has a tasteful elegance to it. Do you agree with my choice? I don't know, maybe I just like to keep things simple and uncomplicated....

So the set is $26.95

Just the one garter on it's on is 16.95

Re: Garters

  • It's entirely up to you whether you do a garter toss or not. We did, but my toss garter was a cheap one from the dollar store and my actual garter was a keepsake purchased in Italy.
  • Its up to you to toss one or not. When I do get married I dont plan to toss a garter or a bouquet Im not a fan of either at weddings but thats just me.Wink
  • We're not doing a garter toss.  It's definitely not a requirement or anything.
  • I'm also not doing the garter toss, it makes FI and I very uncomfortable. 

    Honestly OP, you don't need one but it's such a low cost difference that I would probably get the two piece set.
  • My only advice would be to make sure it fits BEFORE the wedding--my mama still tells the story of having to hobble back down the aisle because her garter was too tight and her leg fell asleep from the lack of circulation.  ;-)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker White Knot
  • Your call. 
    I had just one. I felt the whole two-garter deal was a load of crap.. The garter is a morphed tradition over the ages anyway, so REALLY you don't need ONE if you don't want to do this.. I picked one as a surprise to my H (it was Georgia Tech Yellowjackets for where he went to college :)
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