Attire & Accessories Forum

Spot on Wedding Gown

I found a spot on my satin wedding gown. I bought it a few days ago and had to travel with it across the country, so I didn't notice the spot until I brought it home. I am not going to attempt to clean it myself (I'm a little nervous about that). I was wondering if I should take it to the dry cleaners or any other garment cleaner? Do most spots come out of wedding gowns if cleaned professionally?

It is a David's Bridal gown, and I have heard horror stories about them and great things about them at the same time. Would DB do a good job of cleaning the spot?

Thanks for any advice :o)

Re: Spot on Wedding Gown

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    you can take it to a DB if you haven't had any alterations done to it yet.  but any gown shop should have the right kind of cleaning supplies to get a spot out.

    with DB it all depends on the store as far as customer service.  I worked at 2 different DB's a year ago, one on each side of town, the first store i worked at was great, our manager was more than willing to go out of her way to make a bride happy, the second one i worked at was horrible, not a single girl i worked with gave a damn how a customers experience went at their location, and they always questioned  me when i would try and go out of my way to help one of my brides.   thankfully i no longer work for the company,  but back to your original question, i would go in to a DB just "looking" to try and feel out the staff that they have there before you try and take your gown there, if you can't find another shop that can help with the stain

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    If it's a DB gown, am I right in believing that it's a polyester gown? If so, you shouldn't have a problem getting it cleaned- you can practically throw those things in the washing machine. A minor spot clean at home or a professional job would do the trick.
       If it's silk or rayon, ask around for recommendations of a dry cleaner who does wedding gowns- good word of mouth is the best evidence of a good cleaner.
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