Hi Ladies,
Happy holidays to everyone! Esp the "first christmas together" crowd.
So I'm down to 2 dresses that I really like, both are very simliar. My problem is however, that of the 4 or 5 shops I've visted and the minimum of 25 dresses I've tried on, I don't get "the feeling" for any of them. When I was looking for my engagment ring I literally "wooed" in the store because it was so beautiful it made my knees weak.
The good news is however, the first dress I tried on at one shop with my mom that we both really liked I keep comparing every other dress I try on too. Even when I hit the last shop this past weekend with my BM's the woman at the store had to take out a pic of the other dress I already liked, to compare the one I had on.
So does this mean that it is indeed the dress, I'm just reacting differently? Also, how did you know that it was your dress?
Thank you!