Attire & Accessories Forum

FOB and Tux...

I talked to my dad the other day and he made a comment about what he needs to wear to my wedding. I told him that we would like it to be a very formal wedding and that it would be nice if he could wear a tuxedo. I also told him that it could be as basic as they come because he is very stingy. He told me that we would discuss that later...I am not sure what he meant by that but I was very distressed after. He expects to walk me down the aisle, yet does not want to rent a tux for the biggest day of his daughters life?  I do not want this to sound "BrideZilla"ish, but am i expecting too much by asking him to get a tux?
First comes Love (2.23.2006)
Then comes Marriage (6.23.2012)
Then comes Baby #1 (5.10.2013)
And Baby #2 (EDD 6.15.2014)
In the baby carriage! 

Re: FOB and Tux...

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:15Discussion:a438f882-ee39-4416-ac94-f23f5865ff7dPost:5c1c14cd-ed18-48a1-807c-74496c24c8dc">FOB and Tux...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I talked to my dad the other day and he made a comment about what he needs to wear to my wedding. I told him that we would like it to be a very formal wedding and that it would be nice if he could wear a tuxedo. I also told him that it could be as basic as they come because he is very stingy. He told me that we would discuss that later...I am not sure what he meant by that but I was very distressed after. He expects to walk me down the aisle, yet does not want to rent a tux for the biggest day of his daughters life?  I do not want this to sound "BrideZilla"ish, but am i expecting too much by asking him to get a tux?
    Posted by mek20[/QUOTE]

    Put this out of your mind and don't bring it up again until at least a year from now.  No, you aren't asking too much to ask him to rent a tux.  But if he really against it, he could wear a nice suit.  But again, you are thinking about this WAY too early, and stressing yourself out for no reason.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • Unless the wedding is black tie, he doesn't HAVE to be in a tux.  And since most places will let him get measured up to two weeks before the wedding without a rush fee, there isn't really any reason that you need to be worrying about this now.  If you think it's just a money issue, you have plenty of time to set aside the $100-200 a tux will cost you, if it's that important to you that he wear one.
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
  • I 100% agree with Dnbeach.  You don't need to think about this for a very long time.  Cross that bridge when it comes and maybe you will come to a conclusion.
    September 2011 August Siggy Challenge- Drag Queens!! imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • thanks everybody... im so type A which is why i am planning so early ;) but i definitely need to calm down!
    First comes Love (2.23.2006)
    Then comes Marriage (6.23.2012)
    Then comes Baby #1 (5.10.2013)
    And Baby #2 (EDD 6.15.2014)
    In the baby carriage! 
  • It's not your job to dress him. Stay out of it and let him pick his own attire.

    Be "type A" with stuff that is YOUR responsibility. Dressing your parents is not on that list.
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