New Hampshire

Guest Book

So I've been thinking about what I might want to do in terms of a guest book.  I'm not really a fan of traditional guest books or of photo mats or platters that get signed.  I'm looking for some creative idea.  Please share anything neat or interesting that you did or have seen done.  Thanks!
Anniversary Buying A Home

Re: Guest Book

  • Luv2Cook27Luv2Cook27 member
    Tenth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    There was a really neat idea on Wedding Bee using postcards:

    There is also a Wedding Quilt (with a bunch of variations):

    Wedding Bio

  • FireDancer04FireDancer04 member
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I'm planing on doing a "guest tree"  where there is a drawing of a tree and a sign that says "Please leaf your thumbprint and sign your name to our wedding tree". Goes perfectly with our tree themed wedding. 
    Here is one from a friends wedding

  • edited December 2011
    I'm using an 8X10 engagement photo that's matted in a 16X20 frame. Guests will sign the white mat along the inside of the frame. Then we'll hang it in our house. We ALMOST decided to use some engagement photos of us combined with childhood photos and use snapfish to create one of those customized photo albums. Guests would sign the pages. The frame is less work for  us, and right now we're ridiculously busy.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker Visit
  • edited December 2011
    I am warning you, this is going to be a long post. I hope it helps!

    Personally....I am doing an matted photo for people at the RD to sign. And for the wedding I am having a photo guestbook with our e-pics. Very creative I know ;)

    What I have seen....

     A picture of something meaningful to them matted and signed around. Guest books with pages labeled 1st anniversary, 2nd anniversary etc and things like 1st fight, 1st home, 1st child and guests write out advice/info to that particular category at the top.

    I think this is pretty cool...Guest books with envelopes inside and guests write you advice/wishes/etc. Here is an example and instructions:

    I know one of the girls on my club board had the logo of her and her FI's favorite baseball teams (whom of which are rivals) framed and people are going to sign around them. I believe other girls on that board are also having people sign a surf board and a guitar. So really, they can sign anything that is meaningful to the two of you that can be displayed. I have also seen maps of where couples have been/live. Signing pieces of fabric and making it into a quilt.

    I have also seen the guest book boxes on etsy which I think are cute. Two popular vendors for these are Cutthecake designs and JustWrightBoutique

    I also heard....I don't remember where, it might have been my club board again... of someone making a print out/painting of a really pretty tree with lots of branches symbolizing their family tree. Guests are to put their thumb print on the branches as leaves. I don't know if there are designated spots for them, or if they sigh their name with their thumb print. 

    Also, there's the snap a polaroid or digital picture and put it in a book and have guests sign it...or photobooth

    Then other random things....I have seen guests signing pebbles/river rocks and then they are displayed in a bowl at the new couples home. Post cards from places they have traveled/honeymooning.

    Wishing bowl/well with cards to write advice/wishes/notes on.

    I have even heard of having a family member with a video camera at the guestbook table and have guests say a little something for the bride and groom. 

    I think thats all my brain can handle for right now ;) Good Luck finding something you like :)
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Megglez2008Megglez2008 member
    edited December 2011
    We're doing the traditional one, because I couldn't deal with another DIY project, haha. But one of my coworkers got married last Sept and she surprised her husband with a pair of antique skis that they had their guests sign. They were going to hang them up in their house after. They are both avide skiers so it was a cute idea.

    If you're a big baseball fan, have a bat on hand for people to sign. Something that reflects you two that you can use in your home.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm a big dork, so keep that in mind when reading this!

    FI and I have hired a caricature artists to be at the reception.  Prior to the wedding, I will send him a photo of FI and myself as well as a picture of my dress.  He will then draw an 11x15 caricature of us for our guests to sign.  So, instant guest book! :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Love the creativity here ladies!  My FI and I are just doing the traditional photo guestbook with our e-pics because it's part of our package.  I love the guest tree idea and the wishing bowl though, maybe you could do the wishing bowl witht he guest book?  Is that too much?
  • Starfish724Starfish724 member
    edited December 2011
    We ordered the tree where you "leaf" your thumbprint and it's gorgeous! I'm so excited to have it to hang on my wall after the wedding. I ordered mine here:
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks ladies.  I'm loving the tree idea...  :-)
    Anniversary Buying A Home
  • mrussell1983mrussell1983 member
    edited December 2011
    So many fantastic ideas ladies!

    I think we are going to end up doing one that Arez mentioned with the envelopes inside the book. I happened to catch it on Martha one day and thought it was really cute.

    cg-pm hope you found something great within all these neat examples!
  • mlhw NHmlhw NH member
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    We are making cards where guest draw a pic of us, a pic of themselves and write their names along with a message for us. We will have colored pencils or markers of some type.  We are putting them into a photo album afterwards.  I found the template in someones bio.  If you are interested in seeing it PM your email and I will send it to you.  Smile
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Anniversary
  • edited December 2011
    Our photographer is making us a guestbook out of our engagement photos.  They are making the pages to match our wedding colors and then in the corner of each page is a different photo from our epic session.
  • edited December 2011

    I recently saw a Mad Lib idea that I think FI and I are going to use.

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