July 2012 Weddings

Sneak peek on e-pic

Hello Ladies!!!

I hope you all enjoy your Saturday! Well my e-pic photo shoot was WONDERFUL! My FI cousin took the pics, did my make and my hair for FREE Smile. It was soooooooooooo cold this morning (32 degrees and windy) but I'm glad that I made a wise choice on my outfit because wearing the dress was not an option. WE took our pictures at this park in New Rochelle call Glens Island Park and it was beautiful. It had a castle, light house, docks etc. I just checked my facebook page a little while ago and posted this pic of us:

My hair is a little messy from the windy and this is one of the last phots that we took Smile Enjoy ladies more pics to come!!
Wedding Countdown Ticker "Don't marry the person you can live with, marry the person you can't live without."

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