Attire & Accessories Forum

Groom's attire question

Is the bride supposed to go looking at tuxedos with the groom? I know I can if I want, but I didn't want him to see my dress, is it the same thing?
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Re: Groom's attire question

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    I would say it is uncommon for the groom to be all hush-hush about his attire.  You might want to go with him for colour-coordination with the BMs, or you could just give him a colour swatch if you trust his judgement.

    I would ask your groom if he cares or not.  To me and my FI it isn't a big deal, I will go with him to make sure what they pick goes with the BMs' outfits.
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    I've never heard of not seeing the grooms attire before the wedding (really how different could it be?) I would just ask your FI what he wants to do and go from there.
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    i went with my FI and his mom to pick out his and the GM tuxes. he wanted my opinion, and to make sure we got the correct shades of pink and green for the vests. ive never heard of it being a 'secret' thing
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    It's really up to him.  Personally, we decided on the color scheme together (and I was the one who kept it straight) and went to a couple of different tux shops together, but ultimately he went on his own to order the tuxes and get fitted while I was at work.  And yeah, I think he did kind of want it to be a surprise.  I mean, I knew what sort of style he was going with, but I think he didn't want me to see him in it until the wedding.

    You're not quite right in your OP: you can go if HE wants you to.  If he doesn't, you stay home.
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    FI hates clothes shopping so he wanted me to come with him, plus the consultant asked him a lot of questions that he didn't know the answer to because he kind of doesn't really care about the wedding planning so it was good I was there.

    Honestly, there isn't a whole lot of variation in tux styles so it would be silly if it was kept a secret until the wedding day. And shopping for a tux for us was kind of comical. We sat there while the consultant went over their spiel and then they just pointed at styles on the wall and FI picked one from there.

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    I will def be going along with FI to pick out the guys attire.
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    J tried to pull the whole "if I don't get to see your dress then you don't get to see my tux."  I said OK.

    Flash forward to last night "So I was thinking about this for tux <proceeds to tell me what he wants/show me pics online>.  Will you come with me to MW?"
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    We decided on them together and picked them out together at the MW. Initally he wanted a white tux and I wasn't going to give into that one. Between his Mom and I, we talked him out of it.
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    I don't know what OP means, but I'm sure you know I didn't mean if I WANTED TO GO. I simply meant ignoring the tradition, if there was one in the first place. Which is why I posted the question here.
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