that I wouldn't registry stalk. And I did! I promise I won't do it again!!! haha
I got my sister to inadvertently tell me that the shower invitations have been sent. I decided I was NOT going to registry stalk since I already knew about the shower and they were working so hard to keep it a surprise.
I figured, the invitations JUST went out. No one could have bought anything. But I logged on because I was curious. I noticed 3 things missing from the total. And I couldn't help but see what it was.
Someone (or multiple people) bought 3 place settings of my China! Not what I am most excited about but oh well. I only registered for 4 because my MOH is buying me a 58 piece (for 8 people) for a really great price some place else.
So exciting, everything is getting so real now! I made my fitting appointment and we are going for out tasting next weekend. And invitations are almost done! EEK!
P.S I will not registry stalk anymore. Please tell me not too! haha