Hi there! We are getting married Sept. 30, 2014, at Atkinson Country Club. We are paying for everything on our own, and really REALLY need to save on a rehearsal dinner. We'd love to just do a simple bbq, where we will man the grill ourselves, but I'm having a lot of trouble finding a spot to do that near the venue. In lieu of that, we thought we'd do it at a local restaurant, but with a budget of $500 for 40-50 people, I don't know that it's even possible. My last idea was to use a meeting room at the HOliday Inn in Salem NH (I'm guessing that's where our guests will stay --- finding good hotels in the area was more of a challenge than I thought it would be, too! EEEK!) and just get pizza and drinks. Does anyone have any ideas at all to help? It'd be greatly appreciated!!! Also, Atkinson has a beautiful reception room with lots of windows and high ceilings. I hate the carpet, but my plan is to try to make tall centerpieces to work with the high ceilings and draw attention away from the carpet. Anyone have great ideas for centerpieces that are tall, elegant and inexpensive/DIY? THanks so much!