New Hampshire

Re: Dear FI - Thursday

  • Megglez2008Megglez2008 member
    edited December 2011
    Dear FI,

    I want to apologize in advance for any craziness in the next month. Just remember that I love you and we only have one month to go! :-)


    Your Wife to Be
  • edited December 2011
    Dear FI,

    Just because I'm a teacher and I'm not working this summer doesn't mean that I'm going to be Suzy Homemaker. Don't shirk your responsibilities around our place because I certainly won't be doing the dishes any time soon. I cook, you still clean.

    BUT! Our wedding is getting so close! I got a ton of secret joy out of writing "Mr. & Mrs. chica's FI" on one RSVP card for a wedding. I won't even get into the giddiness of writing "Mrs. Chica FILast" on the other.

    Your wife-to-be in a few short weeks!
  • edited December 2011
    Dear FI,
    Thank you for getting excited about the music at our wedding.  I was really glad to see you taking initiative on that project.  And it was really fun to sit there and listen to songs together.  Although I think we laughed more than we made decisions.
    Your wife-to-be in 23 Days!  What?!?!

    P.S.  Finding a job wouldn't hurt either.
    Anniversary Buying A Home
  • edited December 2011
    Dear FI,
    Congrats on your new job! I'm so excited/happy/proud of you and maybe a little jealous. You totally deserve it though. Now we just have to find me one :-) See you soon!
    My Bio
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
    image 154 Invited
    image 47 Ready to Party
    image 7 Missing out
    image 100 Need to find the mailbox
  • ericcaahericcaah member
    edited December 2011

    Dear Hubs,
    I can't believe we've already been married for 2 months today - and it's only gotten better each day. I can't wait for all the rest of the months and years that we have ahead of us together. I love you more every day!
    Love, your Wifey
    P.S. Even though you don't consider months an 'anniversary', your wife still REALLY loves flowers, and it wouldn't hurt to surprise her with some on occasions like today :) *hint hint*

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    dear fi,

    thank you for dealing with me during my crazy moments.

    love you!!

  • edited December 2011
    Dear FI,
    Thank you for letting me sleep in extra late today.  I still feel sick and tired and I know I'm a huge grouch today.  And probably tomorrow.  You just better hope I'me not pregnant.  If you jinxed me I wont like you in a week or 2.

    And thanks for going out of the way to pick up our Cardiac Sam from KC's Rib Shack.

    <3 Your B*tchy Girl
  • edited December 2011
    Dear FI,

    I had so much fun at the cake tasting with you! Who says you can't have cake for breakfast?!

    Also, thank you for taking the initiative on finding the JP.  I'm so excited that after all of our tiffs over trying to find one that you had a family friend that is so excited to do it for us! It's going to be great!

    We're getting closer to the 1 year mark!

    Future Wifey
  • edited December 2011
    Dear FI,

    Thank you for FINALLY calling your parents like I asked you to do 2 months ago.  I'm kinda upset that your mom didn't get the message about the RD, but what can we do now?  Bottom line if she wants to come though, she's wearing a new dress and that shouldn't be too much to ask for.

    I miss you and I can't wait to see you and spend a nice night with you.

  • edited December 2011
    Dear FI, 

    I hate this back and forth thing, we need to make a decision about this and stick to it. Thank you for not saying that the favors I want to do are too much money because I really like it. Good luck tonight/tomorrow!

    Love, Me
    BabyFruit Ticker
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