Attire & Accessories Forum

veil over face?

I was wondering if people are still doing the veil over face before the ceremony? My mom is encouraging it, but trying to think back I can't remember any of the past brides doing it. Any thoughts?

Re: veil over face?

  • It's a bit of an outdated tradition. Most brides want to have some pictures of their face/expression walking down the aisle, and most grooms want to see their bride's face/expression walking down the aisle.

    Talk to your FI. Mine specifically requested that I not wear any sort of facecovering, to include the "birdcage" type veils.

    Although unlikely, it may be possible your church (if you have one) may have a requirement/tradition too. So if you're unsure just ask your pastor or priest.
  • I wore a blusher at my wedding. I really liked it and you could still see my face in the pictures.
    imageDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I'm not wearing it over my face. I didn't want to wear a veil at all but it seemed to be important to my grandmother so I decided I would.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Don't even know if I want one at all, it's your decision 100%.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker image
  • It is completely up to you and what you are comfortable with.

    If you do decide to wear a blusher look for one that is very thin so that you can easily be seen under it.

    I have been to a lot of weddings and about half of the brides had the veil over their face and the other half either didn't have a veil at all or didn't have a blusher.

  • its completely up to you and what you feel comfortable with. I am not wearing one over my face simply because it doesn't go with the dress. My dress has intricate beading that looks like lace all over and on the bottom there is an underlay of lace peaking out. So my veil will be cathedral length with lace trim and my face will not be covered. I believe its called a mantilla style veil. but i have been to my fair share of weddings and all of the brides have had their faces covered.
  • I personally don't like the tradition behind the veil, so I nixed it despite my husband kinda wanting it.

    I just wore one behind my head, and also didn't have to worry about it folding over correctly so I didn't stand at the altar looking silly.
    Don't make me mobilize OffensiveKitten



  • Thanks for the input!!! I found a veil but Idon't think I will be wearing it over my face. :
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:15Discussion:f5915070-893e-4290-98dd-d82e43ceed08Post:21c9a9f4-1002-4702-b36f-67db1ada55ca">veil over face?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I was wondering if people are still doing the veil over face before the ceremony? My mom is encouraging it, but trying to think back I can't remember any of the past brides doing it. Any thoughts?
    Posted by milosh5[/QUOTE]

    I am definitely NOT doing it. My veil is one tier so it isn't possible anyway..
  • In Response to <a href="">veil over face?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I was wondering if people are still doing the veil over face before the ceremony? My mom is encouraging it, but trying to think back I can't remember any of the past brides doing it. Any thoughts?
    Posted by milosh5[/QUOTE]

    <div>I think it's timeless

    <img src="" alt="" /></div>
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