New Hampshire

Book recs?

With less than three weeks until a very long flight and plenty of time to sit on the deck of a boat and soak up the sun, I am looking for book recommendations!

I'm willing to try anything (I've got the sample for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter on my Kindle, haha). I've read a lot of young adult literature over the past year so I can keep up with my kids, but I'm looking for something more, well, grown up. I think the last books I read that were geared toward adults were Dear John and Water for Elephants (yes, that long ago, haha). I've see a lot about the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series...any good?

So...what are the last few books you've read that you'd recommend?

Re: Book recs?

  • knwithamknwitham member
    edited December 2011
    Any of the Chelsea Handler books are hilarious and a really fun read!! There are 3 of them now.
  • edited December 2011
    Well, I'm on a Jodi Picoult kick right now.  There were a few of hers that I hadn't read so I checked them all out from the library.  I'm on my fourth one already.  Haha.

    My favorite of hers is The Pact, but I also like Change of Heart and Plain Truth.

    I also loved the Poisionwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver.
    Anniversary Buying A Home
  • edited December 2011
    I've been reading the Alex Cross series by James Patterson.

    I'm on the 4th book in the series now, Cat and Mouse.

    If you're looking to go in order, it starts with Along Came a Spider, Kiss the Girls, and Jack and Jill.

    All of them were great and action packed. 
  • Starfish724Starfish724 member
    edited December 2011
    I've been reading Jen Lancaster's books. They're chick lit books, hilarious and easy to read. I finished Such a Pretty Fat, Pretty in Plaid and am about to finish My Fair Lazy.

    I'm also reading Eat, Pray, Love which is also very good.
  • Luv2Cook27Luv2Cook27 member
    Tenth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I finished Girl with a Dragon Tattoo not too long ago.  I liked it a lot, so much that I am seeking out the other 2 books in the series.

    I would reccommend it! :)
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  • mlhw NHmlhw NH member
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Friends have reccomended Janet Evonovich.  One particular friend raves about her. 
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  • edited December 2011
    Currently reading Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (yes, it's good), just finished The Shack (very good), and any Jodi Picoult book is a quick read that will have you laughing, crying or shocked by the ending. The True Blood series is super-easy beach reading at it's best.
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  • edited December 2011
    I am a huge Jodi P fan. I have read everything of hers.

    I am currently reading The Girls by Lori Lansens. It is about a set of conjoined twins and quite good.

    She's come Undone by Wally Lamb is an oldie but goodie - one of my faves.

    I'll keep thinking.
  • edited December 2011
    Gabs - I love She's Come Undone.  That is a great book.
    Anniversary Buying A Home
  • edited December 2011
    Ooooh, I second She's Come Undone. I Know this Much is True is even better. Wally Lamb totally gets a woman's psyche.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker Visit
  • edited December 2011
    I read about half of the tenth circle by Jodi P and loved it (I'm a HUGE lifetime junky and that got me into her) I also read about 8 pages of the Pact (too many books never enough time to read!)

    Everyone at work is all about the girl with the dragon tattoo, I haven't read it but want too now.

    Great post we should do this every so often to give our stressed minds a break and a good read.
  • edited December 2011
    The Help  SO good!

    I agree with Wally Lamb. Pretty amazing for a dude!
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