Snarky Brides

Tattoos & Piercings


Re: Tattoos & Piercings

  • I'm thinking about getting this on my right wrist, but I get worried about people seeing it at work.  No one sees my shamrock :).

  • I have two:

    Scorpio constellation on my wrist with the symbol

    Cupcake tattoo behind my ear

    And my ears are pierced 3 times each. I used to have my nose pierced, and am hoping to do it again soon.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Tattoos & Piercings</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have one tattoo. A small Kanji on my ankle. Sometimes I kinda wish I hadn't have gotten it. But most of the time I forget I even have it. Plus, most people never even notice it. I've had a total of 30 piercings, including my ears. I kinda got into that in college. <strong>I figured since they weren't permanent</strong>, no harm, no foul. Currently I have 12: 9 in my ears (although I really only wear 3-5 earrings at a time), nose, tongue, and bellybutton.
    Posted by neelynicole[/QUOTE]
    My bellybutton is pretty damn near permanent. I took it out 3 years ago, and there's definitely still a hole in the top. The bottom closed up just fine, but the top hole never did close.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:04084d44-640f-4e6f-873c-5de1649b6211Post:f81ad6e8-6d9a-4f1f-a92c-01bf60b8b1a9">Re: Tattoos & Piercings</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Tattoos & Piercings : My bellybutton is pretty damn near permanent. I took it out 3 years ago, and there's definitely still a hole in the top. The bottom closed up just fine, but the top hole never did close.
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]

    Oooh, that sucks. Did it form a keloid during the healing? Crazy that it's been that long and still doesn't want to fully close.

    I've taken out a couple, which I ended up getting repierced later, and the initial ones actually healed pretty well. Although after having my nose stud for so long, I'm pretty sure I'll always have a little scar there once I finally take it out :/
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Tattoos & Piercings</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Tattoos & Piercings : Oooh, that sucks. <strong>Did it form a keloid during the healing?</strong> Crazy that it's been that long and still doesn't want to fully close. I've taken out a couple, which I ended up getting repierced later, and the initial ones actually healed pretty well. Although after having my nose stud for so long, I'm pretty sure I'll always have a little scar there once I finally take it out :/
    Posted by neelynicole[/QUOTE]
    Yup. I have other non piercing related keloids as well. The weird part about this is, though, the keloid was on the under side, the side that closed up without a problem.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:04084d44-640f-4e6f-873c-5de1649b6211Post:95ea66e3-30ab-4eca-945e-8ad1b41a6786">Re: Tattoos & Piercings</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Tattoos & Piercings : Yup. I have other non piercing related keloids as well. The weird part about this is, though, the keloid was on the under side, the side that closed up without a problem.
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]

    That is so odd.

    Hopefully that top side finally closes up for you sometime.
  • I have my ears pierced and my belly button too...used to have more on my ears, done multiple times and since closed up.

    I have a tramp stamp is a three parter that only has two parts done. I have a fleur de lis (my French Canadian heritage) and a Maple Leaf (Canadian heritage) and eventually between the two will be the middle part of my family crest (Polish heritage) which is made up of three swords and a green flower. 

    DH and I are both part Dutch too and we are going to get the word 'Joy' done in Dutch. I am going to get mine on the inside of my right wrist and he is going to get it on the inside of his bicep.

    I have wanted others in the past but I want the two I have planned first, then I will see what, if anything else, I get done. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Tattoos & Piercings</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have my ears pierced and my belly button too...used to have more on my ears, done multiple times and since closed up. I have a tramp stamp is a three parter that only has two parts done. <strong>I have a fleur de lis (my French Canadian heritage)</strong> and a Maple Leaf (Canadian heritage) and eventually between the two will be the middle part of my family crest (Polish heritage) which is made up of three swords and a green flower.  DH and I are both part Dutch too and we are going to get the word 'Joy' done in Dutch. I am going to get mine on the inside of my right wrist and he is going to get it on the inside of his bicep. I have wanted others in the past but I want the two I have planned first, then I will see what, if anything else, I get done. 
    Posted by number55[/QUOTE]
    My fleur de lis is for my French heritage too :) I got it about 8 months before Katrina, then after that there was a fleur de lis explosion and now everyone and their mother has a fleur de lis tattoo. I had mine when no one else did though. Because I'm cool like that.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • Yeah, I have had mine for a while now...what year was Katrina? 2005? I know that I got my first tattoo in 2002 (Maple Leaf) and the Fleur de Lis about 3 years later...but I certainly didn't get it because of the hurricane...I (kinda) grew up in Quebec so it represents that, and my paternal grandfather, who died when I was 5, was French Canadian. I love it. I kinda wish I hadn't gotten it where I got it (tramp stamp area) but alas, with tattoos...once you do it you can't undo it. 

    Honestly though, Maple Leafs are the MOST common tattoos for Canadians...I feel like such a loser sometimes for having one. I definitely would have still done a Fleur de Lis (a small on on the inside of my wrist) but I think that if I had thought it out better the Maple Leaf would never have happened. 
  • I have 3 piercings in each ear and 3 tattoos, soon to be 4.
  • 15 tattoos, 3 holes in each year.  I want another tattoo so bad, but I am waiting until after our honeymoon....less sun exposure that way.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • 3 tattoos

    one on each wrist and one on my toe

    belly button, ears pierced.  I had my tongue pierced as well but took that shiit out because it was stupid.
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  • I have 1 tattoo - A family of 4 elephants on my outer right calf.
    9 piercings- 2 in each ear, 2 in my tongue, labret, navel and one in my lady parts.
    I'm not good at feelings.

  • I have 8 piercings 4 in each ear, I had my tongue, but took it out as I "grew up" I have 2 tattoos, a rainbow on my lower side, and a Pisces symbol and fish on my left wrist.
  • I have a tramp stamp of a butterfly and a pelvic tattoo with a shooting star with the chinese symbol for big sis.  My lil sis has the matching one.  I have various holes in my ears.  I actually took a bunch out of my ears.
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  • I have both, mostly in concealable places.

    My biggest tattoo is actually three that run into each other that make a sleeve effect down my left side, from my armpit to my hip.  I have a few assorted other ones, as well.

    My piercings (besides the 3 holes in each ear) are largely in hidden, painful places.  At this point, if any of them closed up I would not have them repierced, they hurt and took a fair amount of time to heal when I got them done, and I wouldn't do it again.
    "Plus who needs a purse when you have a wedding dress? Those things are like walking hobo bags just waiting to be stuffed with surprise treasures." image
  • I have 8 piercings and 14 tattoos. Ya. I hide 'em well. 
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  • Currently I have 7 piercings. 3 in each ear, and my navel. I had my tongue and nipples at one point. I hated the nipples and took them out in less than 3 months. the tongue well I grew out of.

    I have 2 tattoos: Entire lower back, hibiscus with tribal. Left Hip an Amy Brown fairy. surprisingly the hip actually tickled

    *~* Mrs.J *~*
  • I have 4 tattoos: a paisley (dog's name) on my ankle, a tramp stamp, gerber daisies on my right ribs, lotus blossoms on my left shoulder.
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  • I never really realized how much I have actually had done.  I have 3 tattoos.  One is a tramp stamp, on runs longitudinally from my rib to my hip, the other is on my opposite ribs.  Tramp stamp I regret, the others have meaning and I love them.  I have 3 lobe piercings in each ear, though I only wear the first set.  I also have my tragus, rook and a industrial.  I have had my tongue and nipples done as well.  Plus, my navel which I had to remove recently because of my ever expanding pregnant belly!
  • I can't tell you how many tattoos I have. If you go by individual items I have maybe 28 or something. But they are all starting to form one large one on my back and ribs as well as my Daughters name on my right shoulder. I plan on getting my back completed by the wedding, which means another five to ten sessions.

    I also have a Monroe piercing and my ears.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:04084d44-640f-4e6f-873c-5de1649b6211Post:16225981-8a53-4283-9a8d-a2f40fef6f36">Re: Tattoos & Piercings</a>:
    [QUOTE]Mara, I think my MOH likes getting them.  I haven't gotten one but I would guess I'm a squirmer. I was definitely MUCH more nervous about my industrial than I should have been considering how little pain there was involved.  (WARNING: this is kind of gross)  The needle actually pierced my skin but wouldn't go through my cartilage the first time so the piercer had to readjust and push it through again, and that wasn't even as bad as it sounds.
    Posted by kimheartsscott[/QUOTE]

    My Monroe closed up and I had to get it re-done. My girl dropped the stud and it had to be re-done again, a few seconds later. So my face hole has been done three times in teh same spot. Thankfully it was just a pinch.
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