Snarky Brides

Tattoos & Piercings

What do you have?

I have 2 tattoos - Butterfly tribal on lower back & dolphin on inner ankle

I have 6 piercings - 2 in each ear, nose & navel.

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Re: Tattoos & Piercings

  • I have 5. They all suck. I could be the posterchild for really bad tattoo decisions.
  • I have my ears pierced, that's it.  I had my eyebrow done when I was 17 because I thought I was cool.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:04084d44-640f-4e6f-873c-5de1649b6211Post:95fe81a0-46b3-4c2e-83bc-ec8b21986c45">Re: Tattoos & Piercings</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have 5. They all suck. I could be the posterchild for really bad tattoo decisions.
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

    I want to see these. Please say one of them is a penis with a dildo on it's head.
  • I only have my ears and belly button pierced now, but I used to have my eyebrow and nose. I took out my eyebrow barbell because it hadn't healed right after almost two years (still have scars, took it out 8 months ago), and I took out my nose ring because I couldn't get the new one in and figured it was time.

    No tattoos, but I want to get one.

  • Ears pierced twice (only utilize the first holes; others hurt too much), one tattoo - I regret the subject, and I'm debating that balm stuff. But I want to know if it really works.

    I covered it for my wedding, yes I did.
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  • I have no tattoos yet. I hope to be getting my first with FI.

    I have five piercings, two in each ear, and my nose.
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  • I have pierced ears and an ankle tattoo.  I like my tattoo, but it's old and fuzzy-looking now and really not at all attractive. 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:04084d44-640f-4e6f-873c-5de1649b6211Post:12bf12b4-f995-4736-9727-5d318100266b">Re: Tattoos & Piercings</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Tattoos & Piercings : I want to see these. Please say one of them is a penis with a dildo on it's head.
    Posted by maratea[/QUOTE]

    Oh wow. That would be awesome. I think you've just designed my 6th.

    Unfortunately, my current tattoos aren't that exciting. Just kind of cheesy and dated. My favorite (not really at all) is the tramp stamp that I have because it's a Chinese symbol, but I can't, for the life of me, remember what it means. Yep. I'm that girl.
  • I have a tramp stamp.  Two piercings in one ear and three in the other, but I only use the first holes.  I just tested the other holes earlier today, and the second ones are still open, but the third one will take some work.  I check them every so often because I don't want them to close for some reason.  I had a cartilege piercing years ago, but it got infected so I let it close.
  • I just have my ears pierced normally, and it took me until my sophomore year in college to get up the nerve to do that. I had them done when I was 5 but I was allergic to everything but 24K gold, and my mom couldn't fathom putting 24K in a 5yo's ear, especially one as forgetful and clumsy as me, so we let them close up. 

    Needles and I are not friends. 
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:04084d44-640f-4e6f-873c-5de1649b6211Post:8988f90e-b7b6-49a2-9804-3a609bce1093">Re: Tattoos & Piercings</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Tattoos & Piercings : Oh wow. That would be awesome. I think you've just designed my 6th. Unfortunately, my current tattoos aren't that exciting. Just kind of cheesy and dated. My favorite (not really at all) is the tramp stamp that I have because it's a Chinese symbol, but I can't, for the life of me, remember what it means. Yep. I'm that girl.
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

    There's nothing wrong with a good tramp stamp. I have one. But I do like mine.

    I have 2 other tattoos, and 3 piercings in one ear, 2 in the other and a nose piercing which I don't wear anymore.
  • I have five piercings in my ears - two in one ear, three in the other.  My navel is pierced.

    No tats.  Too permanent for me :)
  • I've got my ears pierced (second holes closed up a few years ago), and a conch piercing in my left ear. I did have my belly button pierced, but I took it out about a year ago. I just got tired of it.

    I've got 5 tattoos. A bee on my left foot, the words love and hope on my left wrist, a cross on my upper back, and 2 birds "framing" my lady area. I'm thinking I will be real proud of that last one when I'm old and saggy.
  • Just my ears - and I didn't get them done til my freshman year in college. Mom wouldn't  let me get them done til I was 16 and by that time I quit caring about having them pierced.
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  • I used to have 2 holes in each ear but the second holes got infected so I had to take them out.  Used to have my belly button pierced and now there's just a hole there.  Got it done in 1997, took it out a couple years later, and it's never going to fully close.
    Four tattoos - one that's a tribal design on my back I got when I was 18 that I absolutely hate, a ring on my wedding finger, my wedding date on my back, and a chain of daisies on my foot.  DH did the last three and I'm going to have him change the first one into something I don't hate.  I don't recommend the foot to anyone with a low pain tolerance.  Hurt like a bitch!!
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  • edited November 2010
    I have one tattoo - got it 3 1/2 years ago and love it.  FI and I hope to get tattoos together at some point.  Just haven't decided on exactly what we want.

    At one time I had 3 piercings in each ear, but the 3rd hole kept getting infected - so I let those close.  My 2nd piercing has been starting to close over - even though I was using it.  I am down to one and I think that's about all for me.

    ETA:  My tattoo is an infinity symbol with a yellow rose going through it.
  • 2 ear piercings per lobe and an industrial on my left side.  No tattoos yet but I have ideas.

    (I don't know why I attempted to make that creepy.)
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Tattoos & Piercings</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Tattoos & Piercings : Holy eff- YES. Thats the worst thing I've ever experienced.
    Posted by staceytaylor0704[/QUOTE]
    Luckily mine was done at home.  I'm sure I would have been the laughing stock of the tattoo shop.  I felt like I was going to pass out and had to lay down on the couch and bite on a towel.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I feel like I've answered this question 15 times on TK. I think I'm going to just have H take pictures so I don't have to explain them. It takes too long.
  • Am I the only weirdo that enjoys getting tattoos? I must just be a freak like that, enjoying the pain and all. I think I'm going to get a new tattoo before the end of the year too.
  • I have my ears and naval pierced and I have 2 tats..

    I honestly sometimes forget they are there. One is a tramp stamp.. Its an angel and the other is my zodiac on my hip. 
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:04084d44-640f-4e6f-873c-5de1649b6211Post:25770916-086a-4d9e-b9ea-5bf91b8a7db0">Re: Tattoos & Piercings</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Tattoos & Piercings : Luckily mine was done at home.  I'm sure I would have been the laughing stock of the tattoo shop.  I felt like I was going to pass out and had to lay down on the couch and bite on a towel.
    Posted by suze423[/QUOTE]

    I'm surprised I didn't pass out.. or have a heart attack. The tattoo artist had one of those stress balls that looked like a brain, with a net around it. I somehow managed to squeeze the brain out of the net. They were definitely laughing at me. I almost told him to stop after the outlining, but I knew I'd never come back and get the color done.
  • I can't say I'm with you, Mara.  My tattoo was a bitch, but I think I'm just a wimp.

    I have two holes in my ears, navel piercing, and one tattoo.  It's a shamrock on my right hip bone.  The navel piercing hurt like a bitch and was the worst by far.
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Tattoos & Piercings</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have 7 piercings and 1 tattoo. I have my nose and belly button pierced, I also have <strong>my smiley and an orbital in my ear, and 3 dermal anchors(one on my cheek bone and two in my hips).</strong>  The tattoo is on my love handle? I guess? haha
    Posted by aleighk1[/QUOTE]
    I just had to google these and Jesus Christ on a bicycle!  Please tell me they hurt, because if you say no, I will feel like a big ole wuss for wimpering in pain from just the pictures.

    ETA: I only have a hole in each ear. I want my second holes and cartlidge done, but I've never gone a done it. I also want a tattoo, but have no clue what I want. J has 3 tattoos and HATES them.

    It is true that pit bulls grab and hold on. But what they most
    often grab and refuse to let go of is your heart

  • I have 5 tattoos... in chronological order:

    lower side back- cross (hate it now. it's faded weird)
    tramp stamp- symbol for "trust/honesty" (don't mind it, can't see it)
    back of neck- design that Jeremy created of astrological symbols for aries/pices (I'm right on the edge of both, so no they are not our symbols, just mine.)
    ankle- "older sister" in Hebrew (my little sister has a matching one, and I love it.)
    wrist- "Be Merry" in German (part of a saying my Grandpa always tells.)

    Right now, I only have 8 piercings- my nose and 7 in my ears. At one point I've had my tongue, lip, and many other ear piercings.
  • Mara, I think my MOH likes getting them.  I haven't gotten one but I would guess I'm a squirmer.

    I was definitely MUCH more nervous about my industrial than I should have been considering how little pain there was involved.  (WARNING: this is kind of gross)  The needle actually pierced my skin but wouldn't go through my cartilage the first time so the piercer had to readjust and push it through again, and that wasn't even as bad as it sounds.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:04084d44-640f-4e6f-873c-5de1649b6211Post:babe017a-85ff-4360-8d99-bff1365ae24f">Re: Tattoos & Piercings</a>:
    [QUOTE]Am I the only weirdo that enjoys getting tattoos? I must just be a freak like that, enjoying the pain and all. I think I'm going to get a new tattoo before the end of the year too.
    Posted by maratea[/QUOTE]

    Nope. I love getting them. Just wish I could have them taken off when I get tired of them.
  • I have six tattoos: tulips on my inner ankle, a heart on my side, some shooting stars on my hipbone (that will be the size of the Andromeda galaxy when I get KU, I'm sure), a little Mayan figure on my wrist, a cross on my upper but cheek, and a fleur de lis tramp stamp.

    Both of my earlobes are pierced, 4 on the left side, two or three on the right (I can't remember) and two cartilege piercings on my left ear. I used to have my nose pierced, but took it out because the restaurant I was waiting tables at wouldn't let me have it. I've decided I'm getting my nose redone on our HM.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • I have my naval pierced and a shamrock tattoo on the left side of my back/hip area.
  • I have one tattoo. A small Kanji on my ankle. Sometimes I kinda wish I hadn't have gotten it. But most of the time I forget I even have it. Plus, most people never even notice it.

    I've had a total of 30 piercings, including my ears. I kinda got into that in college. I figured since they weren't permanent, no harm, no foul. Currently I have 12: 9 in my ears (although I really only wear 3-5 earrings at a time), nose, tongue, and bellybutton.
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