I'm sitting at the sugarland concert waiting for my best friend to get back with our other friend from going for a refill of beer and food. I'm feeling like they're talking about me, they've been gone 20 minutes. Backstory: my best friend is my former coworker, I've since moved to a different branch. She's pretty much my only friend and I've really depended on her to help me get through things, my h's bipolar, my anxiety and depression. She's recently moved in as roommates with another coworker, the other friend we're at this concert with. I feel like I'm losing her as a friend. I can no longer talk to her everyday about the shiiit that's bothering me and I now feel like she's moving on with this new friend. Hence, me thinking they're talking about me right now. Please tell me I'm being stupid. I need to get sense slapped back into me. Also, I've had a few, and if this shows up with no paragraphs, I'm on mobile, which sucks ballz. Thanks.