Snarky Brides

Pole - Should we move to Canada?

No I am not joking. And no, it's not because Obama is president. (I know that's what you're thinking!)  Long story short, PTs sister and hubs/2 kids live in the GTO (Greater Toronto Area for you non-canadians). His grandparents live 2 hours north of TO. PT wants to be closer to his family and wants DS to know his family and cousins.  There's other factors too- I could list my pros and cons, but it would take all afternoon. We're at the point we're were looking to sell our house regardless, its either take the plunge and move to the GTO or stay where we are and upgrade. What to do, what to do...
Pregnancy Ticker Nathan Robert 12.18.08

Re: Pole - Should we move to Canada?

  • What does your gut say?

    Book Review Blog

    If I were a man (or fitty) I'd totally call my penis THE WIZARD - HappyTummy
  • uh, YEAH!...if you're prepared to leave your firearms and ultra-conservative leanings behind.I assume he's Canadian.I live in the GTA as well, are you looking west end or east end?
  • I would move up there if I could, but with our careers we will be DC tied for years to come. 
  • Did you two crazy kids get married yet?Where are your family located in reference to where you live now?  What are your major pros and major cons for moving to Canadia?  Do you have any dog sledding experience?
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • ha! LOL. I can't even get the lingo right, I've been calling it GTO for months and he just ignores me at this point. Richmond Hill is where his sister lives. The rest of his family are in Minden. I just don't know..
    Pregnancy Ticker Nathan Robert 12.18.08
  • wait a second, all your reasons listed are about him.  What are your thoughts?
  • I would move to Canada in a second, but I'm a dippie hippie compared to you. :PTO is awesome but spendy.
    I bet her FUPA's name is Shane, like the gunslinger/drifter of literature.--HappyTummy
  • Richmond hill is the north end of the city.   More expensive than where I am, i think, but easier to get downtown. Toronto itself is a fantastic city.   Lots to offer, great people.  The weather is the shitts.
  • Where is your family from?  How far away will that be?  Is that a factor or not?
  • my reasons are: Pros:I would rather the baby be raised there.I would be able to get into a profession that I'm more interested in, or stay at home if I wantedI dig SIL and BIL and my niece and nephewPT would make more $$$ and get out of being a stinky PTI like that you call Z's "zed"Cons:I would no longer live in America!!Besides the fam, I would have no friendsI hate high taxes and communist recycling laws. I'm leaving my family behind. I've worked really hard at establishing my career, and would have to leave thatCanada doesn't have TargetMy gut says it's best for my family, not too sure yet if it's best for ME.
    Pregnancy Ticker Nathan Robert 12.18.08
  • I would no longer live in America!!  You'll get over itBesides the fam, I would have no friends.  You'll have me, and you'll meet people fastI hate high taxes and communist recycling laws.   Taxes pay for healthcare and we have no recycling laws per se, but an intense guilt kicks inI'm leaving my family behind. That part sucksI've worked really hard at establishing my career, and would have to leave that What industry are you in?Canada doesn't have Target  I cry about this at least once a week.
  • The first thing I'm going to do is take you to the market in my town.  The body hair on the organic farmer ladies will make you crazy, but the urge to buy the beautifull organic produce for peonybaby will suck you in.
  • lol. Sam, are you going to change me into Ess with body hair, reusable tampons and colored crocs? because THAT will be a deal-breaker. no, we are not married. "pt" is personal trainer aka the hubs. aka my "baby daddy".
    Pregnancy Ticker Nathan Robert 12.18.08
  • Aah, this is tough! So how far will you be from your family?
    image Ready to rumble.
  • You should move to Newfoundland.  I hear Robe is looking for a personal trainer. ;)
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • you guys really don't have target in canada?!   i was unaware of this.   i have such an intense love of target, that would honestly affect my decision to move.
  • I know.  It's a real problem.   I've sworn never to cross the threshold of another WalMart so that leaves me with Zellers. I'm getting by but it's a hardship I must bare.  Bear?   Yogi?
  • On the plus side, you guys have fun names for your money.  We don't have anything as awesome as a looney.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • What about Canadian Tire?!
    I bet her FUPA's name is Shane, like the gunslinger/drifter of literature.--HappyTummy
  • I miss collecting my canadian Tire money. That store is awesome. I also miss the cheese fries at Harvey's and harvey's poutine.
  • And Ringolos! The greatest potato-based snack of all time.[img]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/img]
    I bet her FUPA's name is Shane, like the gunslinger/drifter of literature.--HappyTummy
  • I LOVE ringolos.  I need to order some Canadian snacks stat.  I haven't been up there for a year now. 
  • I know somone who will be in new York State fairly soon if you'd care to make lists.
  • Word around the campfire is that they are getting rid of CT money.
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