Snarky Brides

I just made

my first bracelet for the website.  And it is so pretty I want to drink some dom and make out with it.

Re: I just made

  • ftnupsftnups member
    I would give you some of mine but we drank it all. I want more to drink but what do you chase dom with?
    image Guess who?
  • Whatever you have in the house I suppose.
  • Brownies, of course.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • ftnupsftnups member
    Ok lemme go look. No wait. Lemme have Seba go look.
    image Guess who?
  • I hate your stupid store because a) You didn't name it Bugle's Bodacious Baubles and b) You didn't name anything after me.I'm sending all of my friends to Sands' friend's store from now on. I hear she imports her materials from Indiana and I've recently gotten into Indianaian culture.

    Husbands should be like Kleenex: Soft, strong, and disposable.
  • Hahaha, drunk Fitty rules. Christin, name a bracelet that entire conversation.


  • Fitty and Seba are going to go in the closet and make babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • Moo - I named a necklace after you but then I got scared that your name was too uneek and I was giving away very personal information and you would hate me.  But then I remembered that at some point I think I'd seen your name in your bio once. If I name this most beautiful bracelet after you will you STAY AWAY FROM SAND'S FRIEND'S STORE?
  • I hope Fitty is off having sex now.
  • Oh Christin, you know just how to get to my heart. Yes, I solemnly swear, from this day forward I will forget everything I ever loved about Indianaian culture and swear my allegience to you.(PS: I'm drunk on cough syrup. But legally. Because I have a cough. I find everytjhing funny.)

    Husbands should be like Kleenex: Soft, strong, and disposable.
  • We have a bottle that's supposed to be for some far off in the future anniversary and we're just making it to the 1st in about a week. At my shower, they did this little poem that went along with all these bottles of wine and Dom was the last bottle which my mom gave me. Then she said something sappy about hoping to be there for my 25th anniversary or something like that and almost made me cry. The she said you can open it for whatever anniversary, just invite me.I don't think we've drank any of the bottle for our first Christmas, fight, blah blah blah. We're doomed!
    I'm pretty sure it's pronounced your mom's a moron and if you didn't have your name legally changed by the age of 22, so are you. Unless you're from another continent. -Groomz
  • It's made up of Bailey's Caramel, Zen Green Tea liqueur, chai syrup, cream, and cardamom.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • That chai-tini would make me gag.   Christin you need a link to your blog in siggy
  • Oh, Cali.  First you start with the chai-tini.  Next thing you know, you're selling your body on the streets for a taste of the rock.Don't do it!  DON'T DO IT! p.s.  I'm with Sam.  The chai-tini sounds gag-worthy.  But I like my 'tini's with a whole bunch of olives and nothing else but Grey Goose.  Gag away at that olive haters. All this talk about booze first thing in the a.m. is really making me wish it was cocktail hour.
  • Your olive and vodka concoction makes me feel like this Vinny:[img]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/img]


  • ...and that just caused an actual "LOL" in my office (ugh!  I hate using LOL).
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