Snarky Brides


Uhh, Katie Holmes, that was fricken TERRIBLE. Was that even on the SYTYCD live stage? I don't think so. Did anyone else notice that the set was different? So she lip synched and pre-recorded a crappy dance routine and they tried to pass it off as live...and it was still TERRIBLE. I'm so confused.
The hair grows in thick where the horn used to be.


  • I wanted to smack that pout right off her poorly made up face.
    image Ready to rumble.
  • Totally pre-recorded and crappy.  It annoyed me to no end...Judy Garland must be rolling over in her grave.  No wonder Liza didn't show up to see that train wreck.Also, I'm so sad that Jeanette went home!  I really like her - she's feisty.  Thank GOD they didn't get rid of Brandon.
    image Mabel the Loser.
  • I had a lot of eye rolling last night with Katie, JOKE!!!!!!! I am surprised Evan was not in the bottom.
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  • cmc714cmc714 member
    A joke indeed. And I was so sad to see Janette and Jason go :( I wanted it to be Evan and Kayla.
    Claire Elizabeth 12/31/2011
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  • Evan is SYTYCD's Sanjaya.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • I only caught the last 10 minutes and was also shocked that Evan is still around.
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