Soooooooo we've been in limbo with our landlord for about a week now. My friend is breeding an amazing dog with another amazing dog and it has been my dream for as long as he's had her to have one of her pups. Well, the time came but instead of owning a home like we were hoping to do we're still renting.
Today we have a phone meeting with the landlords and they said YES! The dog just has to be outdoors and we have to put down an additional deposit which is A OK in our book. I'm sooo excited! We're going to get the female runt (or smallest female) because they tend to have great personalities.
I can't wait! We don't get her until August/September but that gives us plenty of time to plan for obedience school, read up on dog training, figuring out a name and to purchase all the important things like leashes etc. ACK! SOO FREAKING EXCITED!