Snarky Brides

Where are my RSVPs?!

Have these people been raised by wolves? I sent out invited 3 weeks ago, and requested they be back on the 20th to give me time to order food. I have gotten less than half the rsvps back. i sent self addressed stamped envelopes to make it as easy as possible for people to respond. I even included a note with my phone number and email address. I am so annoyed that so many people have yet to respond at all. Not to me, not my mother, my FMIL, or my fiance. I guess I'm going to end up calling all these animals and begging them for a response.

Ok. Thank you for letting my rant, and I'm sorry for making a new thread for it, but I just had to get it out or I was going to start pulling my hair out. Thanks lovelies. Hope you are having an easier time than I am.

Re: Where are my RSVPs?!

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    edited March 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Where are my RSVPs?!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Have these people been raised by wolves? I sent out invited 3 weeks ago, and requested they be back on the 20th to give me time to order food. I have gotten less than half the rsvps back. i sent self addressed stamped envelopes to make it as easy as possible for people to respond. I even included a note with my phone number and email address. I am so annoyed that so many people have yet to respond at all. Not to me, not my mother, my FMIL, or my fiance. I guess I'm going to end up calling all these animals and begging them for a response. Ok. Thank you for letting my rant, and I'm sorry for making a new thread for it, but I just had to get it out or I was going to start pulling my hair out. Thanks lovelies. Hope you are having an easier time than I am.
    Posted by elgs1122[/QUOTE]

    Your RSVPs are due the 20th and today is the 13th.  Cool yer fuckin jets, chick.

    Also, classy of you to call your wedding guests "animals."  If I happened to hear of a bride speaking of me that way, I'd definitely say "fuckit" to her RSVP and wedding. 
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    I am going to give them a week, but I am not inclined to expect 60 RSVPs to show up in a week. AllAboutTheBenj, if anyone deserves to be called an animal is is most certainly you. Shame on you for attacking me when it is clear that I am here to vent. BitchyBitchyBitchy.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Where are my RSVPs?!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I am going to give them a week, but I am not inclined to expect 60 RSVPs to show up in a week. AllAboutTheBenj, if anyone deserves to be called an animal is is most certainly you. Shame on you for attacking me when it is clear that I am here to vent. BitchyBitchyBitchy.
    Posted by elgs1122[/QUOTE]

    Oooooh you showed her! I can hear her crying from a few states over. <img src="" border="0" alt="Undecided" title="Undecided" />
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Where are my RSVPs?!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I am going to give them a week, but I am not inclined to expect 60 RSVPs to show up in a week. AllAboutTheBenj, if anyone deserves to be called an animal is is most certainly you. Shame on you for attacking me when it is clear that I am here to vent. BitchyBitchyBitchy.
    Posted by elgs1122[/QUOTE]

    Whoa now.  It's clear that you're here to vent about your unrealistic expectations and to call your guests, and us, names. 

    Getting 60 rsvps back in a week is reasonable, that's only 10/day, and you should give them a couple days after the deadline.  Most people will put their card back in the mail by the date you list, not try to have it to you by that date.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Where are my RSVPs?!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I am going to give them a week, but I am not inclined to expect 60 RSVPs to show up in a week. AllAboutTheBenj, if anyone deserves to be called an animal is is most certainly you. Shame on you for attacking me when it is clear that I am here to vent. BitchyBitchyBitchy.
    Posted by elgs1122[/QUOTE]

    Oh well you sure told me.  I've learned my lesson.  I'll never be bitchy to anyone ever again.

    Now really, go suck an egg.
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    People RSVP'd to our wedding before we even sent the invitations out...  But we're obviously less high strung than you so maybe we throw better parties. 
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    I love you guys! I am having a super crappy birthday, and this thread made me grin.
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    I have one thing to say to you, elgs1122, BITCHYBITCHYBITCHY.

    This was entertaining, though. Thanks, gals!!
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    I kind of get this.  I was as aggressive but I get it.  I sent out my invites and RSVP's 6 weeks before with a specific date in mind.  I did everything for them, all they had to do was fill it out and drop it off at the post office.  Leading up to the date I would get phone calls and text messages as RSVP's.  I would get so upset because I spent my time and money paying for the RSVP's, stamps and handwriting addresses.  It was two days before the deadline and I found my self calling at least half to remind them.  My most common answer was "Oh it's right here all ready to send out but I keep forgetting."  I even had a few say they couldn't find it.  It was about a week after the deadline that I got most of them in.  I felt like 6 weeks was plenty but apparently not.  So I understand and from what I have heard from other brides, this is normal. 
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:3a190a2f-932c-4c8c-b33d-20de8d962537Post:6bf16375-7d20-4018-95cc-e0e6395b1f68">Re: Where are my RSVPs?!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I love you guys! I am having a super crappy birthday, and this thread made me grin.
    Posted by crnflkgirl75[/QUOTE]

    What she said!!

    Oh...except it's not my birthday.
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    Yeah. I can understand how frusterating it is.. I get pretty frustrated when I just have something smallish like a Halloween party to plan and people don't RSVP. Because it's nice as the host to know how much food/drink to provide! 

    But! You also need to realize that some people just don't like to commit to coming to something, well, is really rude, honestly. It's not hard to RSVP, especially when you've offered so many different (EASY) ways to RSVP! I mean, how much easier can it get than email? Most people can access their email from their phone these days. Geez.

    Anyway, there really isn't any excuse to not RSVP and I don't think you're wrong for venting about it--but I would wait a few days after your "please RSVP by XX date" until getting really frustrated, just because you don't need the added stress. :D Also, for the people who never RSVP but are pretty sure are coming, just order them a plate. (For instance, any bridesmaids/groomsmen and their wives/gfs/bfs/husbands/etc.)

    I have ONE particular friend who never RSVPs to ANYTHING, but comes to EVERYTHING. I've asked him about it, but he simply answers, "Wasn't sure if I could come." Sigh. Again, I think making the commitment that way makes some people nervous. Because if they change their mind about going, it's more difficult to say that they can't. And it makes them look like a SUPER jerk to say they are coming but don't end up showing. Also, especially people who work a lot and have children, cut them some slack because sometimes people just really don't know if they'll be able to take time off from work, find a babysitter, etc.

    So! Ignore all these people getting mad at you for venting on a "snarky brides" message board. The main point I'm trying to get across is this: I completely understand how frustrating it is for people in this modern day and age to not RSVP, but try not to let it stress you out too much, because it really isn't the most imporant thing. :D
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    Oh geez, just reread my message. I did not proof read before submitting. And even if I had, I have had a drink or two and probably would've missed it anyway. XD

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