Snarky Brides

Good Morning


Re: Good Morning

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    Good morning - hope all those under the weather feel better. 

    I'm only working a 1/2 day today as I have to be at home to meet an electrician between 1 and 5.  Our electrical bill has been going up and down for the last few months.  After not running a/c or heat for 3 weeks - the bill went up.  The power company claims the meter is fine (don't really trust them, but that is a different story), so the next step is have an electrician come out.  Fingers crossed that it is an easy fix.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:41b2381c-972b-4002-8d1d-1a14dbe1c872Post:0c36f973-7883-4414-8d10-8c3d9c3efc06">Re: Good Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]Seshat, Rampage fought Machida on the last pay per that the one you're thinking of?
    Posted by dmiller9274[/QUOTE]

    No, this was on Spike TV maybe 2 days ago. I saw the Rampage fight, this was another guy. It was the main event fight and the guy got knocked out with a kick to the head.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:41b2381c-972b-4002-8d1d-1a14dbe1c872Post:231f88df-165b-4fad-9230-7f7bbd57ab35">Re: Good Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]YIO, we have a great dane!  Got her last September.  We love our big goofball =).  She's terrified of our chihuahua.
    Posted by shaydenise[/QUOTE]

    I want one so bad. I'm so sick of living by his mom's rules. She even hates the gerbils so we can't bring them out of the t.v. room. I think it might be a losing battle. We could give the dog it's own bedroom and still have spares. Ugh.

    What color is your Dane? Afraid of the Chihuahua? That's too funny.
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    This is her a few months ago.  She's a mantle (black with white belly, neck, feet).  Seriously, in my experience they are one of the sweetest dogs just huge.  She's only about 120lbs now so she still has some growing to do. 

    Our chihuahua just hangs all over her and she does nothing.  She won't even eat around him because he'll growl at her - we generally move him to the other side of the room so she can eat.  He's such a little fat turd lol.

    But yeah Great Danes definitely aren't the dog for secretly hiding from people who don't like dogs lol

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    Y I OughtaY I Oughta member
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    edited December 2010
    I wish, we are selling his house and moved in after his dad passed away last year. She had no money after his illness and couldn't have kept the house otherwise. His dad built the house himself so she couldn't lose it. It was supposed to be that she moved into the apartment down stairs within a few months, her suggestion, not mine, but it's been over a year and no change. We won't ever be moving out. Ugh

    I want a black and white Dane more than anything.
    20130105_202820-1_zps07580b43 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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    Aw YIO that stinks =(.  Would she think it incredibly passive aggressive to "fix up" the downstairs apartment and make it very homey and nice as a gift for her?  I'm being serious.  Maybe the thought of moving (even downstairs) overwhelms her?
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    I have thought of that, even tried to get him to do it. He says she would be completely alone, which is understandable, so I don't push the issue. I will only be able to take it for so long, it's like forever being a guest. Everything in the house is hers. There are no pictures or furniture or decorations of any kind that are mine. Her style is very old school, like ugly multi-colored couches and velvet paintings old school.
    20130105_202820-1_zps07580b43 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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    LTZ- I told you I'm on Lysol patrol! It's Clean Linen today. Unless you prefer another scent.

    YIO- My BFF has a black and white named Diesel. He's a doll.
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    Good morning ladies!

    Happy birthday to Ben - way to go keeping him alive for 6 years and counting Cew ;)

    LTZ - bite your tongue, don't wish snow upon us. I don't want to see snow until Christmas day and just for that one day if possible. Last winter was brutal.

    I have a million things on my to-do list at work and it's overwhelming. I've been putting in lots of extra hours and have a massive stress knot in my shoulder and neck. I only hope my manager realizes all the work I'm doing in a couple weeks when we have our reviews.

    My best friend texted me yesterday that her grandma passed, so sad. She was 93 or 94, such a lovely woman, we'll all miss her. Of course me being morbid my next thought was who's next? First my uncle, then her grandma, who's number three? Death always seems to come in threes - anyone else ever notice that? Here's hoping this time it won't follow that pattern!

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    Good Morning! 

    I'm still trying to wake up but I'm getting there. 

    I'm taking the day off on Friday to fly out to DC for the weekend so today and tomorrow should have some sort of meaning to them in terms of getting work done. 
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    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN!!!  Tell him the internet girls say he's the bomb.  .

    Lenore - I completely feel your pain.  I've still got a month of PTO I can't take, because my job sucks the very life from me.  BUT - I'm grateful to have meaningful work, with people I genuinely like, and a very good salary.  I feel very guilty complaining when so many good people are out of work, but I really need a life too - we had to cancel vacation this summer because I couldn't take time off.  They tout their work/life balance as a company value, but we can't even take our alloted PTO?  Something is wrong here - hire someone to complete our group, and put someone to work.  Win/Win.

    On another note - DH is an IT guy, and had him cracking up about our conversation yesterday.  He thinks we're all 12 years old.

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    FI had to draaaggg me out of bed this morning to go to the gym.  We were there at 5am, done by 5:45.  It's frickin' cold at 5:45am...JS...

    Anyone who works with kids needs to look into Airborne.  It is an amazing product and helps keep you from getting sick.  All you sickies, rest up and get well!!!!
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    Yes - second Airborne, or Emergen-C.  Double doses these days, since the crap is going around.
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    KD- I Love clean linen scent. LOVE. Spray away!

    kcullen - C'mon. Just a little bit of snow? How about I wish snow for NY and not NJ? Will that work?
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    LTZ- Love the kitty sig pic. Whats his name?

    Sorry I'm cat obsessed, just ask my DH. He calls me the crazy cat lady.
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    Morning ladies!

    cew, happy birthday to Ben :-) Good job keeping him alive. ;)

    I've got another super busy day at work..and I really, really need to finish my thank you notes from my shower on the 20th. :/ I'm totally slacking. I'm so ready for this wedding crap to be OVER. Not much longer....
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    Aw, Happy Birthday, Big Ben!


    I originally put in this KW's post, but realized it was completely inappropriate there.  So:  my life sucks right now because my son has head lice.  We are in crisis mode and poor Mark must be thinking "I didn't sign on for this shiit."  

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    Thanks KD. It's actually a she, haha. You're definitely not the first person to think otherwise though. She's a beast. Her name is Gizmo. She hates pictures and she actually attacked me after I took this picture. Nothing serious, but she tried to lay down the law on me. You can see in her face that she wasn't very excited about her windowsill glamorshots.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:41b2381c-972b-4002-8d1d-1a14dbe1c872Post:a5e8ce3a-9063-4c1f-b3b7-9111812e330b">Re: Good Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]Aw, Happy Birthday, Big Ben!   I originally put in this KW's post, but realized it was completely inappropriate there.  So:  my life sucks right now because my son has head lice.  We are in crisis mode and poor Mark must be thinking "I didn't sign on for this shiit."  
    Posted by ohwhynot[/QUOTE]

    Oh no OWN, I went through that last summer when the marching band mixed up everyones hats and ten or so kids got it. FI was freaking out like a kid over every little itch, thinking he had it. That's a PITA.
    20130105_202820-1_zps07580b43 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Good Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]KD- I Love clean linen scent. LOVE. Spray away! kcullen - C'mon. Just a little bit of snow? <strong>How about I wish snow for NY and not NJ? Will that work?</strong>
    Posted by LessThanZero[/QUOTE]

    NO!!  Unless it only snows where you are (sig says Hudson Valley).  No snow in NYC.
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    OWN - Tea Tree Oil.  Really.  Don't do Rid or the chemical treatments - they don't work.  Make a spray bottle with tea tree oil and water and spray it on his hair.  Then comb, comb, comb with the little tiny fine tooth comb until the nits are gone.  Then comb some more.  It doesn't smell the greatest, but it works far better than Rid.

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    TheCranberryTheCranberry member
    First Comment
    edited December 2010
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Good Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]Aw, Happy Birthday, Big Ben!   I originally put in this KW's post, but realized it was completely inappropriate there.  So:  my life sucks right now because my son has head lice.  We are in crisis mode and poor Mark must be thinking "I didn't sign on for this shiit."  
    Posted by ohwhynot[/QUOTE]

    Did you guys discover it or the school?  I remember we had to get checked when I was in school.  No one ever had it, but I figured that person would be so embarassed that everyone knew.  Is your son okay?
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Good Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Good Morning : NO!!  Unless it only snows where you are (sig says Hudson Valley).  No snow in NYC.
    Posted by TheCranberry[/QUOTE]

    That could work. It often snows here while NYC gets no snow at all, or just rain.
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    I just want to say is snowing like crazy here right now.  I'm just glad I'm inside.  I'm hoping it doens't get too cold too fast because it poured rain all night and through this morning until it turned into snow.
    kd.joseph's wish is my command
    Just call me "Brothel"
    And betrothed, I'm disgusted with most of the comments that you have posted. I don't think I've ever read such judgmental comments in my life. I'm so lucky that the girls I speak to on theknot are nothing like you...I would've never come on here for ADVICE if I would've encountered a big a bitch as you. I genuinely feel awful for your children or your future children, and I think it would be irresponsible of YOU not to invest in their future therapy sessions starting now. Because trust me when I tell you honey, they're gonna need it. ~jcaruncho2010
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    I'm jealous of all of you snow people.  I've only seen snow once.  It was July.  In Alaska. Five years ago. Boooo!
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    Oh OWN, that sucks so bad. Lice is the worst. I remember having it once as a kid and then about 5 years ago I got it again from my little sister. I was so disgusted. The Rid worked for me but I had to use it 2 or 3 times over the course of a day or two to really makes sure everything was gone, on top of vacuuming and washing all of my clothes and bedding. I also have very thick dark hair so it was a super PITA.

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    Shay, you're not missing as much as you think.
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    We haven't received a drop of snow in Boston yet.
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    Just wait, it's coming for you Allison.  It's coming.
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    Les, thanks for the tip.  We did the RID treatment last night, and I combed out (using that little comb) several dead or dying critters.  I do realize how utterly disgusting that sentence is.  If, upon the recheck, there seem to be more, I'll try the tea tree oil.


    Cranberry, apparently there is a HUGE infestation in our school and its sister school, where a lot of siblings attend.  I took the closer look after at least 4 of son's close friends were infested, and found a live louse on my daughter.  It appears, though, that she isn't really infested, but my son is (or, hopefully, was).  


    He is really embarrassed about it, but really - it's all over.  Which worries me a  great deal because you just know that some parents aren't doing what they should be to get rid of the critters.  


    I want to hide under my covers until it all goes away, but I have to actually deal with it like a grownup.  

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