Snarky Brides

Would you or wouldn't you?

Plastic surgery - anything you'd change?  Do you kinda want to, but are you too afraid?  Or would you say screw plastic surgery, I'm awesome the way I am.

I was watching a show yesterday on E! with all these famous people who'd had work done - some looked fine but of course, others went too overboard.

Me, I'd be way too afraid to get anything for fear that it'd get botched :(

Re: Would you or wouldn't you?

  • If I had the money and the time to recuperate, I'd do a lower body lift. Vanity would have me do a boob lift and an arm job, too.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • So weird but...I'm very self conscious about my chin, or rather, lack therof. I would totally get a chin implant.
  • Not really plastic surgery, but I'd do the expensive cellulite treatments that supposedly work but you have to keep them doing them every couple months forever or it just comes back. 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • edited July 2010
    I don't think I'd do it. I don't have any one part of me that's bad enough to change surgically. I'm not wild about a lot of things, but the things I could change, are changeable with diet and exercise.

    If I had to choose one thing, though, I'd get lipo on my inner thighs. No matter how much I work out, I still have the jiggles.

    I changed my mind. I have a horrible scar on my knee from a few surgeries, and I'd like to get that taken care of and tidied up. I know it can be done, but it seems vain and frivolous for just a scar that's not hurting me or impeding me in any way.
  • No, but I would do laser hair removal.
    Married 10/2/10
  • Ditto on the hair removal quotequeen - I would love to not have to deal with waxing and shaving.
  • I don't think I'd want any plastic surgery, but I'd love to have the money celebrities have to hire a personal trainer and a chef to help me lose the 40lbs I don't want. It always makes me want to punch things when I see articles about actresses giving tips on how to lose the baby weight, or whatever. GRRRR.
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  • I'd go with laser hair removal, a nosejob, boob lift, thigh and arm lipo and tummy tuck. But I'd need it all at once. Just call me Heidi!  

    Surgery freaks me out, and I'll probably never have anything done because of that. If it's not life-threatening or life-improving (tubes tied), I can't talk myself into being put under.
  • I wouldn't get plastic surgery, unless it was reconstructive (like I got into a bad car accident or something). I'm pretty happy with the way I look, and the only things I'd change are those I can do myself (like toning up my legs and arms, I'm just too damn lazy to work out).

    I made a joke to DH once about getting a boob job and he gave me this weird look and said, "Yeah, because nothing's more attractive than rock-hard boobs. I love yours the way they are." I guess he dated a girl with fake boobs once and said it was a major turnoff.
  • No way.

    Although my whole family is prone to varicose veins. I might do something about those if and when they pop up.
  • There's nothing I can't deal with, but if I had to pick something, I'd get a breast lift or a breast reduction and lipo the hell out of my thighs, maybe tighten up my arms. 

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  • It's just not for me.
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  • If my boobs get screwy after babies, I'd consider a lift.  Probably not implants, but just something to get them back up where they belong. I want my boobs to look like they do right now - forever.

    I'd love some lipo on my legs but I'd never do it. The doctors office would probably laugh at me. Plus I'm too scared of it. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Would you or wouldn't you?</a>:
    [QUOTE]No way. Although my whole family is prone to varicose veins. I might do something about those if and when they pop up.
    Posted by MeaghanandMichael[/QUOTE]

    Oh, yup, those too.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • My friend had her vericose veins removed earlier this year, she was in a lot of pain but she runs and bikes and is overall really active so she really wanted them gone.
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  • Holy crap, I was going to post about this today too. I always said I wouldn't do any elective cosmetic surgery. I'm just not that type of person. I thought I wasn't that type of person. But maybe I am. I HATE HATE HATE my nose. I think it's too big for my face and it kind of has a bump in it. I was watching this thing on E last night and it showed Ashlee Simpson's before nosejob and after nosejob pictures and it made me go "Hmmm." I'd only do it if I had the money to have a rilly rilly awesome doctor do it. But even then, I'm not sure I hate my nose enough to change it.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • edited July 2010
    LC - that was the same show I was watching!  I think Ashlee was adorable before surgery but afterwards she looks gorgeous too.  If cosmetic surgery always went as perfect as that I probably wouldn't be so afraid of it.

    I'm really self-conscious of my jaw.  When I had braces in high school, I had a slight underbite, and instead of opting for painful jaw surgery to correct it, my orthodontist pulled four molars and one of my front bottom teeth (so I have three instead of four).  Then when the teeth were pulled together, the bottom row is below the top row like it's supposed to be.  But my chin is still slightly forward :( If I could go back, I'd do the jaw surgery I think.
  • I could get a lot of stuff done, but I wouldn't even if I had the money. I'm too freaked about surgery.

    But that cellulite machine doesn't require surgery I may just do that, and the varicose veins.
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  • tba, why would the dr. office laugh at you?

    Here's the order for everything I'd have done:

    My nose was adorable before I had Chloe. Then it exploded and got ugly. I swear it. I just want my old nose back, and I'll probably do it as soon as I have the money. I hate my nose.

    My belly exploded with Chloe, too. I was a waddling, ginormous belly just walking around. No matter how flat my stomach gets, I have loose skin and stretch marks that will need to be cut away and tucked for it to ever look good again.

    The boobs are great right now, but that can't last forever. As big as they are I'll need a lift some day. And with losing weight, they have shrunk so they're already not as firm and perky as even just a few months ago.

    Lipo on my ass, thighs and arms will just be a gift to myself after all the necessaries are handled. :)
  • I'd do laser hair removal for sure.  I've always wondered if I'd want a breast lift after kids, so I can't rule that out completely. As far as everything else goes, if I can control it with diet and exercise, then nope. Too bad I'm too lazy to diet or exercise enough to really do anything about those parts. I do enough so I don't turn into Jaba the Hut, or Pizza the Hut, or any extrodinarily large muppet/animatron.
    Which did you like better? "Jedi" or "The Empire Strikes Back"? "Empire". Blasphemy. "Empire" had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All "Jedi" had was a bunch of Muppets.
  • loritajeanloritajean member
    100 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited July 2010
    I want boobs!!!! A small C cup would be awesome.

    And I agree with the rest of you... laser hair removal :)
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  • LC - I have a bump in my nose, too and I'm not a fan of it, but it's my mom's nose and my papa's nose I don't think I could get rid of it.
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  • i would get a boob job...not that they are small now or anything but my butt is huge and i feel off-balanced so i would go slightly bigger...and sum lipo in my tummy and inner thighs

    i would not go as extreme as Heidi montag...she looks ridiculous now! poor girl i would never touch my face!
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  • Let me clarify what I want done and why. After my extreme weight loss, I have a ton of excess tissue with a layer of fat underneath it that will only come off via surgery - it isn't something exercise will remove.
    Because of the excess on my thighs, guess what's appeared? Yup - varicose veins. I am incredibly shy/insecure about my body between my neck and my knees. I also have the same skin/tissue/fat on my belly that needs to be removed.
    A lower body lift will remove a section all the way around and pull all of that up.
    I even think it is actually contributing to my back pain. Same think with the under part of my arms.
    I don't want implants, God knows. I want the excess tissue taken away so I'm wearing a true-to-life cup size. My boobs are NOT DDD anymore, but when I put on a bra, you'd think they were.

    My nose is big - but its a (my maiden name) family nose. I don't want anything done there. I could care less about my huge gallbladder scar or other ones. I just don't want my body looking abnormal when I wear shorts or mini skirts.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • I would not, but I would not begrudge anyone doing so if it made them feel better about themselves.
  • I can see why you'd want the body lift missy.  My aunt was 300 lbs and had gastric bypass - and she has a ton of loose skin and extra boob-age she'd like to have work done on, she just can't afford it :(
  • My brother broke my nose when I was six, and since then I've hated it. So when I have the money, I'm getting that taken care of.
  • loop0406loop0406 member
    edited July 2010
    If I had the money, I would do something to my back side, I want it to look like J Lo ......Innocent
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:420e2082-b783-4756-907c-dc62f4fa8007Post:1e03ad8a-cfc2-40b3-9f18-71c48676603c">Re: Would you or wouldn't you?</a>:
    [QUOTE]If I had the money, I would do something to my back side, I want it to look like J Lo ......
    Posted by loop0406[/QUOTE]

    God made me look like JLo. I hate that it makes most pants on me look obscene.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Would you or wouldn't you?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Would you or wouldn't you? : God made me look like JLo. I hate that it makes most pants on me look obscene.
    Posted by zippityb[/QUOTE]

    My ass is a combination of J-Lo and Kim Kardashian.  Friggen thing has its own zip-code.
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