Snarky Brides

NWR - Back off my man

My fiance used to be friends with this girl and then he started dating me.  I was cool with her messaging him and texting him frequently.  Then things got more serious with us and I became increasingly annoyed with her communication with him.  She would fb message and text him asking where he was and if they wanted to hang out with some other 'friend' --- no mention of me, even after my fiance told her he's hanging out with me.  He always messages her back.  We had a fight about it and he told her to back off, and she hasn't.  Every once in a while she'll message him asking how he is.  He thinks it's innocent but I think she's really checking to see if he broke up with me.  She knows we're getting married!!  Should I be mad?  Overreacting?
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