Snarky Brides

Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday...

Hallelujah! I thought today would never come. I get to have sushi with Raynes and September tonight!

I was off yesterday for doctor's appointment so I don't even care about going to work today, I feel rested for once.

I have no really exciting plans this weekend. Going into Toronto tomorrow to go shopping. I need to find a new outfit because next Friday I am presenting at a conference (eek, it's only in front of 70 people but still, eek) and I don't really have anything awesome to wear. That's about it. And it's mother's day. So I try to ignore that whole part of it.

What do you ladies have planned? How are you feeling about the fact that it is Friday?

Re: Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday...

  • NebbNebb member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    Kinda breathing some kind of sigh of releif - lastnight adam told me that Blockbuster (who he worked for up until January) has gone into receivership and all employees were paid vacay and are on weekly pay schedules now and could be out of a job at any moment. Apparently the US used Canada as collateral when they filed for bankruptsy and now that its all over the studios havnt gotten all the money they were owed and are getting rid of Canadian stores to recoup their losses.

    Ive been freaking out over money this week, but its nothing in comparison to how big id be freaking out if Adam was still working there. Im blown away. Either way, Adam and I had a big money talk and I had a good cry and weve "sorted things out" (im not happy about how it was done, and im not happy about some hard decisions that had to be made, but we will probably be ok for now). Im mentally exhausted.
  • edited May 2011
    Good Morning!  Freaking, yay Friday!  I'm leaving work at noon today to go home to get things ready for the weekend and then H and I are returning the rental car, picking up his car (praying to God they finished it), going back home to drop off his car, picking up Sebastian, then finally heading off to visit BIL, SIL and nephew.

    SIL and I are going to a cooking class with Publix Apron's tonight and I'm so excited!  This is what we will be cooking (the class is called "Food Heaven"):
    -Crab Soufflé
    -BBQ Lamb Lollipops with Cheesy Polenta and Pancetta Salsa
    -Tournedos of Beef Tenderloin with Portabella Carpaccio and Fingerling Potatoes
    -Ultimate Chocolate Cake with Espresso Anglaise. 
    -And of course as much wine as we can handle


    Have a great day everyone! 
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  • NebbNebb member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    That sounds delicious. I wanna go to cooking classes so bad but I have no one to go with.
  • edited May 2011
    Well, I have to drive an hour and a half to do it with SIL lol, but I think it'll be worth it!

    I'm sorry you guys are stressed about money.  I know that feeling all too well =(.

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  • Hey girls! My friday is all but over. Nick and I are watching some ridiculous movie before bed. Glad it's the weekend, though!
  • Sorry about the money stress, nebb. We have that every month. All of our Blockbusters here have closed down. I think there is maybe 1 left in my area, if even.

    Today Whisky goes back to the vet specialist for a checkup, and if all is well he won't have to go back for awhile. We might go see my mom on Sunday, depending on H's work and if he gets enough done tomorrow.

    Also, we saw Fast Five last night. It was awesome. AND Vin Diesel and The Rock had a big fight scene. It was wonderful, all that muscle.

  • Good luck at the vet, Sesh!

    btw, has anyone seen that new Target commercial for paper towels?  The one where the dog goes over to his water bowl and just starts splashing water out?  It's hilarious.  I crack up every time I see it lol. 
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  • I hope that Whiskey is ok, Sesh!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good luck at the vet, Sesh! btw, has anyone seen that new Target commercial for paper towels?  The one where the dog goes over to his water bowl and just starts splashing water out?  It's hilarious.  I crack up every time I see it lol. 
    Posted by shaydenise[/QUOTE]
    I LOVE that commercial, it's the best.<div>
    </div><div>Good morning, I'm here but exhausted. I slept like crap last night, I think I only slept about 3 hrs. I work from home so I'm feeling a nap at lunch time.</div><div>
    </div><div>My BFF and I heading about 3 hrs north today for our other BFF's graduation from pharmacy school. I'm so excited for her, and we're going up tonight to have some girl time before graduation tomorrow. Then Sunday we're making our rounds to see our moms and grandmas, should be a hectic weekend.</div><div>
    </div><div>Good luck to Whiskey at the vet.  </div>
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:58d21309-8e67-4a48-bc94-8ed5bd5df614Post:da180bb4-c3ab-40e1-a928-10a19daa3c36">Re: Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good luck at the vet, Sesh! btw, has anyone seen that new Target commercial for paper towels?  The one where the dog goes over to his water bowl and just starts splashing water out?  It's hilarious.  I crack up every time I see it lol. 
    Posted by shaydenise[/QUOTE]

    No, but I'm going to see if I can find it. Whisky is a big-time splasher. He paws at his water and drags the dish across the floor. It splashes every time it hits the grout, so by the time I get home from work the water dish is across the kitchen with a trail of water behind it. He's a dummy.
  • raynesraynes member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary
    Morning!  Yay sushi!  I'm so excited.

    Nebb, I'm glad you guys sort sorted things out.  Also, I told Tough Love Raynes to stay home today, so Happy Nice Raynes is here, it is Friday afterall.

    shay, that menu sounds amazing!  I love food.

    Not too much on the go this weekend.  Derek's BFF is coming down tonight to help him with drywall in the new kitchen, which means they might get some drywall done, but will probably spend the whole time doing electrical.  Oh well, it's progress!
    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday...</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday... : No, but I'm going to see if I can find it. Whisky is a big-time splasher. He paws at his water and drags the dish across the floor. It splashes every time it hits the grout, so by the time I get home from work the water dish is across the kitchen with a trail of water behind it. He's a dummy.
    Posted by Seshat411[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>ha ha ha!  You need to watch it.  It's what I think my dogs do when I'm not looking.  I'm laughing just thinking about it.

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    Good Morning Ladies!

    I'm loving that it's Friday - this has been a bittch of a week, and I am over it!

    I'm getting my hair done tonight, then a date with H tomorrow - I can't wait!

    Nebb, I'm sorry about your sucks having "the money talk"...ugh!  Hope things get better soon!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday...</a>:
    [QUOTE]That sounds delicious. I wanna go to cooking classes so bad but I have no one to go with.
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]

    <div>I would go with you. Just saying. </div>
  • raynesraynes member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday...</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday... : I would go with you. Just saying. 
    Posted by number55[/QUOTE]

    As would I.  The LCBO runs cooking classes.  I did a knife skills one and it was fun! 
    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Morning ladies! I am so glad it is Friday. Every night I have been getting home late from work and can be home at a normal hour today. I have my niece's communion tomorrow (no GTG for me:( WAH!) and Sunday I will probably take my mom to lunch since DH has to work 12-9 anyway.

    Sesh, I hope Whisky is OK. I want to snuggle him every time I see your siggy. He is one handsome kitty!

    Nebb, sorry about the financial stress. I feel like DH and I have those discussions too often. It sucks!

    On a side note, I went to the bathroom at work this morning and a woman from another department came out of her stall around the same time as me. As I washed my hands, she looked at me and said, "Well, it is a good thing we don't work with food." She walked right out without washing her hands or anything. Eww...I want to hang this sign in the bathroom

    I don't care if you don't work with food or not...WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS! You work with people all day .
    BFP #1 1/1/11 EDD 9/10/11 dx:no hb DNC on 2/2/11 BFP #2 12/28/11 natural m/c on 2/6/12 BFP#3 2/16/13 dx:ectopic on 2/27 (given methotrexate)
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  • Good morning :)

    I'm so glad it's Friday.  This has been a really weird week.

    Yesterday was FIL's birthday.  We'd worked it out that we were getting together tonight and going out to dinner.  Yesterday around 5 MIL calls H and says that she and FIL were going out to dinner, and would we please come too.  MIL and FIL are "divorced" (it's complicated) and don't spend much time in eachother's company.  H said sure, and we planned on getting together and going out around 7.  At 6:30 FIL calls and says "why don't we just come to your house and order pizza?" umm, okay.  H and I were out touring houses last night, we didn't get home until 7 (it took longer than we thought it would because we really liked two of them).  They got to our house about 15 mins after we did and didn't leave until 11.  I'm tired. 
  • Morning Ladies!

    I'm so glad this week is over, or will be at 5PM. This has got to be the week from hell. DH got all the carpet out of our room today so the wallpaper guy can work, but as he was taking pictures of the room, he came upon pictures of Cleo. We are so touch and go right now with the tears. But it was so nice, I came home to a mailbox full of condolence cards. People are so kind.

    Sesh- I hope Whiskey is fine and can carry on with his cute self!

    This weekend is getting more done in the room, probably buying the hard wood. Cause once thats done it's all down hill.
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  • Denise, she just looked at you and walked away, making it 100% obvious she was leaving the bathroom without washing her hands? That is disgusting. You'd think she'd be too embarrassed to do that. Who wants to be thought of as the dirty person at the office (we have one as well)?
  • Good morning. The dog turned into an escape artist yesterday and collapsed his crate, so we had to reinforce the darn thing. Only thing I could think of was twisty ties. So my whole day will be hoping he doesn't get out again. He tore up our bedroom and peed on our bed, little bastard. We spent most of the evening yesterday trying to figure out how to clean it before we realized it had a zip off cover and removable top pad that can be washed.

    I was up half the night trying to sleep, but I kept thinking about the wedding. It's about 43 days now and there is so much to be done. I have just been super busy the past few weeks, every night after work is something else that needs to be done. I don't have any time to work on wedding stuff and Fi keeps putting things off until "later". He doesn't realize it is later and we have to do it.  

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  • @Denise, that is just gross. I used to have an employee who did that. I would relieve her before I left for the day, and she never took long enough, you know. So I said you didnt wash? To which she would responded well I only peed! Ugh, well your hand has to go there to wipe, correct? Duh!
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  • That sucks, cs. It's a big decision, so I think it's natural to be stressed out about it, especially if you're worried about selling your condo on top of it all. Do you love the house? Can you see yourself there for a long time? Being landlords might not be all that bad either, you never know.

    Good luck on your job interview!
  • Sorry CS {{Hugs}}. What are your second thoughts about? Just the condo.
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  • Hugs, CS. No need to apologize.  House shopping is stressful.  I hope your interview goes well!
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:58d21309-8e67-4a48-bc94-8ed5bd5df614Post:cd73ee51-26c1-4fb6-b31f-374d53d5794a">Re: Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday...</a>:
    [QUOTE]@Denise, that is just gross. I used to have an employee who did that. I would relieve her before I left for the day, and she never took long enough, you know. <strong>So I said you didnt wash? To which she would responded well I only peed! Ugh, well your hand has to go there to wipe, correct? Duh!
    </strong>Posted by kd.joseph[/QUOTE]

    Exactly! That is so gross! I don't care if it was number 1, 2, or still have to wipe. WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS!
    BFP #1 1/1/11 EDD 9/10/11 dx:no hb DNC on 2/2/11 BFP #2 12/28/11 natural m/c on 2/6/12 BFP#3 2/16/13 dx:ectopic on 2/27 (given methotrexate)
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  • CS, maybe you need to do what I told my H when he was like that with something regarding his business. I was tired of the back and forth and finally told him, "Look. Make a decision. Either do it, or don't. And once you make the decision, that's it. Stop bitching about it and second guessing. Just do it." And he did. Your H needs to make a decision and stop the flip-flopping because it doesn't help at all (nor does blaming you, that's beyond lame).

    I think you should consider the landlord thing. So many people rent and would love a nice condo.
  • NebbNebb member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Morning!  Yay sushi!  I'm so excited. Nebb, I'm glad you guys sort sorted things out.  Also, I told Tough Love Raynes to stay home today, so Happy Nice Raynes is here, it is Friday afterall. shay, that menu sounds amazing!  I love food. Not too much on the go this weekend.  Derek's BFF is coming down tonight to help him with drywall in the new kitchen, which means they might get some drywall done, but will probably spend the whole time doing electrical.  Oh well, it's progress!
    Posted by raynes[/QUOTE]
    i know tough love raynes cares and its sometimes what i need to hear. noone ever tough loves me so i run amok. i appreciate it.
  • marateamaratea member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary
    CS- We are in a really similar situation. We desperately want to move out of our place and into this perfect house we found recently. But we need to sell our house first... sigh. I don't know much about bank sales, but could you put in a contingent offer? That's probably what we'll end up doing. So, you buying the other place is contingent on selling/renting your condo. Selling/buying at the same time is frustrating as shiit. PM me if you ever want to talk, vent, whatever.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday...</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday... : i know tough love raynes cares and its sometimes what i need to hear. noone ever tough loves me so i run amok. i appreciate it.
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]

    <div>I can send you a tough love FB message when you are ready. :)</div>
  • LesPaulLesPaul member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Good morning, ladies.
    It's a fabulous day.
    Good luck at the vet, Sesh.  Kitty vibes to Sir Whisky.
    It's going to be a warm weekend, so we're going to be outside - either working on the disaster backyard remodel or riding bicycles.  Can't wait.

    Have a great day, everyone!
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