Snarky Brides


How are all the SB ladies this morning...

I didn't get to sleep til past 2am after going to see the late show of HP...and yet, body is still up at 8am! I don't feel too tired though. I had crazy messed up dreams though. I dreamed that I was in university again, first year I think. My principal (current one, at my job) was like an RA or something and was questioning why my American History prof let me leave was so funny, there were other teachers from my school in it too, but we were all students as opposed to odd.

What do you ladies all have planned for today?

I never finished cleaning yesterday...might want to get on that! And church, brunch with friends, maybe the gym if I get motivated enough, lots of marking and hopefully some baking...and a nap too!

Re: Morning!

  • Morning, Number (and everyone else)! I hate internal clocks; they make functioning on the weekends nearly impossible.

    My plan for today is to clean initially--we have two sets of people coming to look at our apartment, and hopefully we'll be able to sublease it--and move a half an hour closer to where I work. Once they're gone....Rich and I will probably head into Starbucks. He does all his class prep there---and, I have to get out of the house at some point so I don't go crazy. I will probably finish the photoalbums I started putting together online for christmas----and then, set up my new MacBook Air Laughing
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • ohhh....Macbook Air!  I love my new Pro but the other day I saw a Pad up close and was a little jealous. And my friend just got an iPhone yesterday and I am TOTALLY envious...

    I also like the Starbucks idea, perhaps DH and I should mark there today. Get away from the distractions that are here. I want to make our wedding album on Picaboo but I know I should wait until winter break so that I focus on school work for now!
  • Rach, we have similar days! I'm playing online (on my new Macbook!) setting up photo albums for Christmas presents.  I think H and I are going to head to Caribou to get some real work done, too.

    H also apparently volunteered us to help his uncle move, but it sounds like a weird mess of a situation.  He has movers hired too, so I'm not sure what we're doing. I better not be helping him pack last minute.... also, who moves in the winter in MN? seriously.

    Other than that, I'm already dreading going back to work tomorrow. :(
  • I bought the small (11 inch) Air, and it's perfect. My old MacBook was pushing 4 years old, and my blacklight on my screen had gone. It was a constant battle to keep the light on (only on the very lowest setting, too), because it would just go out again. I'm so happy I ponied up the $ for a new one.

    Number--have you started using Picaboo yet? I started with Blurb, and it made me angry---so, I moved to Picaboo. I love that they have a function that will put your pictures in a book for you, but that option distorted all the pictures (cut some heads off there, only took a portion of the picture here), and I got frustrated and stopped. I'm hoping it's just me, because I need to get them done....soon.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:640dd19c-35e2-4bea-bca2-9f66a52fe6c8Post:fbdfa8f5-1070-4b96-abd7-f7064a66193b">Re: Morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Morning, Number (and everyone else)! I hate internal clocks; they make functioning on the weekends nearly impossible. My plan for today is to clean initially--<strong>we have two sets of people coming to look at our apartment, and hopefully we'll be able to sublease it--and move a half an hour closer to where I work</strong>. Once they're gone....Rich and I will probably head into Starbucks. He does all his class prep there---and, I have to get out of the house at some point so I don't go crazy. I will probably finish the photoalbums I started putting together online for christmas----and then, set up my new MacBook Air 
    Posted by RachNRich[/QUOTE]

    This is so awesome! You won't be 25 minutes from the grocery store anymore! And will it also mean you'll be closer to me?
  • edited November 2010
    Rach- did you call Picaboo or was it before you ordered them? We used one of their free coupons to make our guest book.  It all looked fine, but in the preview they emailed me for the order, one of the pictures was screwy.  I called and they overnighted me a fixed copy for free.  Amazing customer service.

    I *think* it's just a new software, so they're working out some kinks.  Our new book looked awesome though.
  • edited November 2010
    Rach...I have used Picaboo for our guestbook, a boudoir book for DH and our thank-you cards. I haven't used the 'auto-fill' function so I wouldn't know why it distorted stuff but I agree with Steph, awesome CS and I am sure if you called and asked why they could tell you. I likely won't use the auto-fill function ever because I kinda like the ability to put stuff how/where I want to. It takes more time but I used to be a 'traditional' scrapbooker so I am okay with spending hours on stuff like that! Overall I really like Picaboo...there are limitations obviously but I tired Shutterfly before it and liked it even less. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Morning! : This is so awesome! You won't be 25 minutes from the grocery store anymore! And will it also mean you'll be closer to me?
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

    <div>Sadly it will mean I'm closer to Raleigh, and thus farther from you :(  BUT much closer to 40 than I am not, which would undoubtedly cut down drive time from the back roads up to the highway. </div>
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Steph & Number---I didn't order them yet, I just put the pictures in order that I wanted them in the book, and they autofilled the pages. I'm not creative enough to do a layout that looks good---and I didn't want it to be just one picture per page (though I may have to at this rate). So, it would take landscape pictures and cut the sides off, or vertical pictures and cut the tops off to get it to fit in their pre-sized squares, instead of fitting the picture to the square size. I hope I explained that right, I sound kind of stupid.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • That's awesome, Rach.
  • Good morning, ladies.  We're up early, thanks to the cats and dog.  We're going to hike with friends, then I need to fiinish unpacking, do laundry, and prepare for tomorrow.  Being off a week was great, but I am not looking forward to tomorrow.
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  • Morning.  H just left to go tailgating with his friend and to the Browns game for his friend's b-day.  It's F'ing COLD out there.  He was so cute this morning, all "what should I wear" and we walked out of here carrying just about every coat and fleece he owns :).
  • Good morning ladies!
    Rach, good luck- hope you can find a renter for the apartment.

    Les, don't remind me that the weekend is almost over :(

    I'm going to church this morning, then lunch with future inlaws.. then shopping with FMIL. Past that, I have no idea. I may go ahead and wrap WP gifts since they are all boxed up.

    Hope y'alll have a great Sunday.
  • Good Morning!

    I've got a busy day today.  Hardcore cleaning a duplex to earn some cash, trying to find leather gloves to get my H for Christmas, making turkey noodle soup, and watching Walking Dead.  Along with my everyday chores, should be a speedy day.
  • Good morning!  I'm at work and waiting on a phone call.
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  • Have I told you guys that Walking Dead is our new favorite show? I usually fucking hate anything zombie because I get so stressed out and spend the whole time just thinking about my zombie plan. But this show is different. I think it's because the zombies are easy to kill.
  • Good morning!

    I have no solid plans for today. I know I'm going to take a shower and file my nails, but aside from that I've got nothing.
  • Morning everyone. I don't want to do anything today, but I need to do the laundry, dishes, and mop. But it all seems like such hard work and I want to be lazy. Ugh, guess I should get started.

  • Morning ladies,I have been nursing a migraine for 2 days. So I wont be doing much today, finish laundry maybe.

    I've been doing some shopping online. I had quite a few free books from Shutterfly, so I got one for each of our mothers. And some 5x7's to frame for other family. DH will probably spend the day watching football. What fun!
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  • Morning!  I was feeling not so hot the past couple days and I'm feeling a bit better today, so I hope to get some cleaning done before FI gets home at 130ish.  My landlord is trying to fix our door and it's suuuppppeerrrr loud.  I'm working on invite wording.  And job searching.  And I'm super random today. 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Good morning!
    Today I woke up at 8am to Demon poking my face with her paw, so I pulled the covers over my head and ignored her until 10.
    Today I'm taking a bunch of hikes around the neighborhood to try to find a neighbors missing dog. It's hard too because he lives two houses down from us and all of the dogs by me are very aggressive, so the dog would probably run away from our part of the neighborhood.

    It's also H's last day at his old store, and his last day working the 4am to 2pm shift! Yayyyyyyy!!!!
  • SEWFSEWF member
    1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited November 2010
    Morning! Or afternoon depending on where you are...

    Today is FI's birthday. He's going out with a friend for sushi in a little while. Then we're going to go out for dinner tonight to get some fish and chips. Yum!

    Today is the first day of my three day mini vacation. I didn't really get time off around Thanksgiving (besides on Thanksgiving) since I work in retail, so my boss gave me three straight days off. When I go back on Wednesday, I get to do my first official act as Assistant Manager and help interview people for an open position. I'm kind of nervous!
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  • Hi guys! Hope you all enjoy your last day of freedom before work. 

    After I bought my wedding dress yesterday, FI and I went out to study (we're so lame) and then hit MIchael's for some stuff.  I wrapped Christmas presents and I can't believe I'm pretty much done with everything!

    Today, we're planning on cleaning (if he ever wakes up) and putting up the Christmas tree.  I'm such a huge dork and you can freely side eye us, but we bought ornaments in our wedding colors.  Whatever, we do what we want.Tongue out
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