Snarky Brides

Speaking of low-fat

This is just me thinking of random crap at this point, but what stuff do you eat that's low-fat and what stuff can you just flat out NOT eat low-fat?

I like reduced fat peanut butter.  It tastes pretty much the same but is less oily.  I even got Ben hooked on it.  I cannot eat reduced or low-fat sour cream, but probably every other time I buy cream cheese or shredded cheese, it's reduced fat.  I don't even know why.  Depends on my mood at the store.

I can enjoy a good "skinny" recipe for cookies or something, but for the most part, I'm like fuckit.  If I'm going to eat a cookie, I'm going to just eat a fucking cookie.  There is no other point nutritionally to a cookie other than to treat yourself, so why not just go for it?

You guys ever seen low-carb gum?  Wtf is up with that?

Re: Speaking of low-fat

  • In Response to <a href="">Speaking of low-fat</a>:
    [QUOTE]This is just me thinking of random crap at this point, but what stuff do you eat that's low-fat and what stuff can you just flat out NOT eat low-fat? I like reduced fat peanut butter.  It tastes pretty much the same but is less oily.  I even got Ben hooked on it.  I cannot eat reduced or low-fat sour cream, but probably every other time I buy cream cheese or shredded cheese, it's reduced fat.  I don't even know why.  Depends on my mood at the store. I can enjoy a good "skinny" recipe for cookies or something, but for the most part, I'm like fuckit.  If I'm going to eat a cookie, I'm going to just eat a fucking cookie.  There is no other point nutritionally to a cookie other than to treat yourself, so why not just go for it?\ <strong>You guys ever seen low-carb gum?  Wtf is up with that?</strong>
    Posted by AllAboutTheBenjamin[/QUOTE]
    I don't know why, but this is cracking my shiit up

    "Smash's balls are the biggest balls of them all." -AATB

  • I never do low-fat stuff, because it usually just means it's been substituted with other crappy stuff. I'd rather get the 'natural' form of something and eat less.

    I think the only exception is Skim milk (and skim lattes, etc.)  But that's because 2% and whole milk just makes me want to gag.

    I hate the reduced fat peanut butter, it never bakes as well and ick. That's another one I just do the all natural of... peanuts and salt. That's all that's in my PB. nom nom.  I used to do low-fat cheese, but that crap never melts.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:6a06c323-842e-4cc9-9160-55c399c09e4dPost:706dbced-65e7-4a7b-854c-03e32b46b126">Speaking of low-fat</a>:
    [QUOTE]This is just me thinking of random crap at this point, but what stuff do you eat that's low-fat and what stuff can you just flat out NOT eat low-fat? I like reduced fat peanut butter.  It tastes pretty much the same but is less oily.  I even got Ben hooked on it. <strong> I cannot eat reduced or low-fat sour cream,</strong> but probably every other time I buy cream cheese or shredded cheese, it's reduced fat.  I don't even know why.  Depends on my mood at the store. I can enjoy a good "skinny" recipe for cookies or something, but for the most part, I'm like fuckit.  If I'm going to eat a cookie, I'm going to just eat a fucking cookie.  There is no other point nutritionally to a cookie other than to treat yourself, so why not just go for it?\ You guys ever seen low-carb gum?  Wtf is up with that?
    Posted by AllAboutTheBenjamin[/QUOTE]

    i HATE low fat sour cream because i can taste the difference. I don't know, it might be impossible to make a low fat sour cream that actually tastes like the real thing bc of the deliciousness. I can eat the WW cookies and candy. I mean it's obviously different but I don't hate it.
  • Hmmm everything I eat is reduced fat with the exception of oils. I can not do FF cheeses or sour cream.
  • I kind of think low-fat is bullshit. I mean, why not just eat the regular food but have a smaller portion of it? I mean, if you're gonna eat something, you should probably enjoy it, right?
  • I get fat free Greek yogurt.  I usually do reduced fat sour cream and cream cheese.  I get the light Farmer Boy's Greek dressing, but that's just because I think it tastes better and it has less ingredients than the normal one.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Speaking of low-fat</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Speaking of low-fat : I don't know why, but this is cracking my shiit up
    Posted by Smash Adams[/QUOTE]

    Girl, I will TELL YOU why it is cracking your shiit up.  It's because it's fucking gum.  There are what, five calories in gum.  I can see if you're watching your sugar intake, maybe you'd want to chew a low-sugar or sugar free gum.  But low-carb gum?  Fucking hell, bitch please.  It's GUM.  If you're so obsessed about your carbs that you're resisting a piece of Dentyne Ice then you have some pretty neurotic food issues.  In which case, I would be fascinated to speak with you.  So if you're out there, carb-obsessed gum resister: reveal yourself and 'splain me this.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Speaking of low-fat</a>:
    [QUOTE]I kind of think low-fat is bullshit. I mean, why not just eat the regular food but have a smaller portion of it? I mean, if you're gonna eat something, you should probably enjoy it, right?
    Posted by maratea[/QUOTE]
    I like this theory IF it's cookies or other baked/processed goods b/c they a loaded with sugar to replace the fat taste.
  • I dont pay attention to low fat stuff.  I dont eat a lot in one sitting so I guess my idea of watching what I eat is portion control?

    That being said, this IF stuff has made me a chunky monkey so I should probably start buying low fat.
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  • I can do low-fat string cheese, but not low fat cheese for a sandwich.

    I like low-fat PB, but I've been told that low-fat peanut butter isn't better than full fat b/c PB has the 'good fat.' Oh well, I still eat low-fat PB.

    FF sour cream is caca.

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  • I don't usually get low fat either but one time my mom accidentally bought fat free sour cream for FI. Usually he isn't too picky but he was so grossed out by it. My mom's all about low fat/fat free stuff and even she wouldn't touch it.

    I don't mind the salad dressings or PB though. I can't think of anything else off the top of my head.
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  • Oh and I buy reduced fat Wheat Thins. 
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  • Dani, I'm sure it's the same shiit they used to advertise as "low sugar" or "sugar free".  But "low-carb" is more popular now. Either way it's stupid.
  • LetsHikeTodayLetsHikeToday member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited April 2012
    I don't buy low fat peanut butter but I buy all natural pb. It has to be refrigerated. When I had my eating disorder, I wouldn't touch something unless it was "low fat" or "fat free". I was obsessed with it. 

    Now, I'll get low fat milk and light salad dressing but that's about it.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:6a06c323-842e-4cc9-9160-55c399c09e4dPost:c00c8354-ca81-4420-a271-5da56b9226ce">Re: Speaking of low-fat</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh and I buy reduced fat Wheat Thins. 
    Posted by adamar15[/QUOTE]

    How about reduced fat Whhhhhhheat thins?  Or Cool Whhhhhip?
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  • I do reduced fat on most things, on a lot of them I honestly can't tell the difference enough to care. I haven't tried reduced fat PB, but I do use the Skippy Natural PB which is awesome because it doesn't separate like a lot of other natural PBs I have tried.
  • I don't really do much low fat food, I track my calories and nutrition intake and my fat intake is usually within a healthy range so I don't usually bother. Plus, its like..once in a blue moon that I eat packaged stuff that you can get in low fat and I drink flax milk so It doesn't really matter to me. I am more likely to buy something that is on sale over low fat.
  • Low or fat-free PB is disgusting. It tastes like sand.

    I don't really pay attention to the regular/low-fat stuff. The only thing I can think of off-hand that I can tolerate is Diet Coke.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Speaking of low-fat</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Speaking of low-fat : I like this theory IF it's cookies or other baked/processed goods b/c they a loaded with sugar to replace the fat taste.
    Posted by ricksang[/QUOTE]
    Isn't most low-fat/reduced calories stuff loaded down with sugar or artificial sweeteners to make up for the taste? I don't usually buy stuff with artificial sweeteners in it because I was told by an endo that it's not good for people (me) with thyroid issues. Is that right or am I making it up?
  • I'm like Steph, the only lowfat stuff I go for is nonfat milk, but that's because I like the way it tastes. I'll sometimes do lowfat sour cream, because I can't really taste the difference. Oh, and diet coke for when I have mixed drinks, but again, that's because I prefer the taste of it to regular Coke.

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  • One incredibly snobby opinion I have is that I find absolutely no point in drinking soda.  And I never drink it.  I mean, once every few months, I'll steal a swig of Ben's soda.  But after that, I'm good.  He drinks Mountain Dew all the time and every time he does I always tease him about it, "I am judging you for drinking that shiit." 

    I think I'd rather eat something with sugar in it than drink it?  And I don't always judge like if someone has a soda with lunch or something, even though I'd rather just do water.  But I know some people who drink soda all day long.  That's just disgusting to me.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Speaking of low-fat</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Speaking of low-fat : Isn't most low-fat/reduced calories stuff loaded down with sugar or artificial sweeteners to make up for the taste? I don't usually buy stuff with artificial sweeteners in it because I was told by an endo that it's not good for people (me) with thyroid issues. Is that right or am I making it up?
    Posted by maratea[/QUOTE]

    Yes, but I don't THINK low fat cheese and sour cream are, but they may have more salt. I haven't heard about the sweetener=thyroid connect but that's really interesting to me!
  • alynne1113alynne1113 member
    edited April 2012

    I also judge people who drink soda all day long, I dated a guy who drank 2-3 2L pepsi a day and ended up having stomach problems from it. So gross.
    I also judge the people in my office who have fast food every day, or drink 8 cups of coffee a day. But im just snobby like that, I don't drink anything but water and flax milk (not even coffee or tea).

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:6a06c323-842e-4cc9-9160-55c399c09e4dPost:71523309-b640-4aee-914c-c6497c22a314">Re: Speaking of low-fat</a>:
    [QUOTE]One incredibly snobby opinion I have is that I find absolutely no point in drinking soda.  And I never drink it.  I mean, once every few months, I'll steal a swig of Ben's soda.  But after that, I'm good.  He drinks Mountain Dew all the time and every time he does I always tease him about it, "I am judging you for drinking that shiit."  I think I'd rather eat something with sugar in it than drink it?  And I don't always judge like if someone has a soda with lunch or something, even though I'd rather just do water.  But I know some people who drink soda all day long.  That's just disgusting to me.
    Posted by AllAboutTheBenjamin[/QUOTE]

    I dont drink soda either.  Every once in awhile Ill crave a rootbeer or something, but thats it.  Although, I do drink gingerale to settle my stomach when its upset.
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  • AATB, I could totally drink soda all day long, mostly Coke or Pibb. That shiit is delicious. But I am prone to teeth problems so I don't.

    Now that I think about it, I don't drink much at all. A can of Coke could get me through an entire day. I'm so unhealthy.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Speaking of low-fat</a>:
    [QUOTE]One incredibly snobby opinion I have is that I find absolutely no point in drinking soda.  And I never drink it.  I mean, once every few months, I'll steal a swig of Ben's soda.  But after that, I'm good.  He drinks Mountain Dew all the time and every time he does I always tease him about it, "I am judging you for drinking that shiit." <strong> I think I'd rather eat something with sugar in it than drink it?</strong>  And I don't always judge like if someone has a soda with lunch or something, even though I'd rather just do water.  But I know some people who drink soda all day long.  That's just disgusting to me.
    Posted by AllAboutTheBenjamin[/QUOTE]

    I'm completely the opposite.  I'd rather have a Coke than a cookie or a piece of cake. 

    But, I acknowledge that I'm drinking my calories.  And diet gives me a migraine. 

    I can't think of anything we purposefully buy the "low fat" version of.  We try to stick with the perimeter of the grocery store, and buy a lot of our groceries from the farmers' market, so we don't run across a low fat option very often.  H drinks 2% milk, and would drink whole if the store carried it in the brand he likes. 
  • One of my sisters is the same, pirate.  She'd much rather drink a soda than eat a piece of cake.  But it's weird to me that she's like that - because she's very health conscious, AND is always baking stuff.  For real every time I come home there is cake, cookies and shiit just everywhere.  But she doesn't eat any of it.
  • Is it weird that the reason I like nonfat milk is because it tastes like water? I rarely drink anything other than water, unless I'm mixing alcohol in it (Malibu & pineapple juice, vodka cranberry, rum or Jack & diet coke, etc.). I got a bottle of Sprite with my sandwich meal at Subway last night, and drank less than 1/3 of it. It's just so sweet.

    alynne - I get what you mean. Mine is coming from an "everything in moderation" standpoint. 2-3 2L of Pepsi a day or fast food everyday seems excessive to me.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Speaking of low-fat</a>:
    [QUOTE]One of my sisters is the same, pirate.  She'd much rather drink a soda than eat a piece of cake.  But it's weird to me that she's like that - because she's very health conscious, AND is always baking stuff.  For real every time I come home there is cake, cookies and shiit just everywhere.  But she doesn't eat any of it.
    Posted by AllAboutTheBenjamin[/QUOTE]

    It's an addiction.  One I don't want to break.
  • See and Ben likes 2% milk, but I had been drinking skim for years.  I can't really do 2% but he won't do skim.

    So we compromise and we drink 1%.
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