Snarky Brides


I'm feeling nostalgic, so tell me what you were doing on New Year's Eve for Y2K. Were you hunkered in a bunker? Gathering surplused canned food? Sitting by your door with a shotgun?

I was online because my dad wanted to see firsthand if the internet would crash and charge us for 100 years of service. We didn't stockpile or anything but we also lived in the country so we had plenty of food, water, and heat (fireplace) in case the electricity did conk out on us.

One of my mom's friends filled up a 20' sq storage unit with nothing but canned and dehydrated food. She also filled up a second unit of similar size with blankets and clothing because she was convinced there would be world wide chaos and no clothes would be available. She is still eating the food and her city has banned her from having more than 5 garage sales a year because her three times weekly sales were becoming a hazard.

ETA: not one of my mom's, one of my mom's friends. That could be an interesting typo.

Re: Y2k

  • I don't think I remember. I was probably at a bonfire at my friend's house. That may have been the year we mud wrestled, drunk. I don't know. 
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  • I can't remember. I was ten : /
  • Oh gosh I don't even remember!  I honestly think I was babysitting my sisters.  My parents went out every year and I was always babysitting them.

    Come to think of it, Y2K might have been the year my youngest sister set her hair on fire.

    She leaned over to blow out a candle and POOF.  Up in flames.  The rest of us sisters freaked out, grabbed her and dragged her upstairs, threw her in the bathtub and jammed her head under the fawcett with the cold water running (we thought she was burned).  Turns out the fire went out immediately and my sister didn't even notice that her hair was on fire at all.  She had no idea why we were flipping out or why she was sopping wet in the bathtub.

    Ah, memories.
  • I was in 9th grade, so I was home.  My parents had ended up with 4 bottles of Champagne somehow, and as a family we opened the first one.  Then they went to bed and my brother and I drank the rest of the bottles.  The rest of the night is pretty fuzzy.
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    And betrothed, I'm disgusted with most of the comments that you have posted. I don't think I've ever read such judgmental comments in my life. I'm so lucky that the girls I speak to on theknot are nothing like you...I would've never come on here for ADVICE if I would've encountered a big a bitch as you. I genuinely feel awful for your children or your future children, and I think it would be irresponsible of YOU not to invest in their future therapy sessions starting now. Because trust me when I tell you honey, they're gonna need it. ~jcaruncho2010
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  • :-(  My family was getting ready to join a search party.  A classmate had went out on his four-wheeler and was missing.  He lived about a mile from my Uncle's house, where we were all celebrating.

    Around 10-11pm,  someone called us and told us they found him.  He wrecked his four-wheeler.  He wasn't wearing a helmet and smothered because he was knocked unconscious and the four-wheeler pinned his chin to his chest.

    Way to be a Debbie Downer, huh?
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  • pirategal03pirategal03 member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2010
    I was just thinking about this a little while ago.  I was sitting at the kitchen table in my parent's old house watching tv.  I remember Ryan Secrest saying something like "In a few seconds we may lose signal" and then....nothing happened and he looked like an idiot for being all worked up about it.  (ETA: was it Ryan?  Now I'm not sure, but it was some hollywood cookie cutter guy like that)

    I remember wondering who told the computers that they didn't exist in the year 1900, and why we thought they would care so much. 
  • Wrkn - that is AWFUL :(
  • I was sitting on the couch enjoying my first ever glass of champagne with my mom laughing at everyone freaking out. My dad was a CBD (circuit board designer) for NASA so we knew it was all rediculous lol
  • AATB - I can totally picture those events and it's killing me over here. "Why are you drowning meeee" "You're on fire!!!" "No I'm not!!" "Shut up and get under the water" 'Blub...glug..."
  • Im pretty sure once we realized the world wasnt going to explode we got drunk (yes, I was like... 17) and wandered around topless in a small town hahaha. We celebrated being alive that night!
  • Yeah KW - that's pretty much exactly how it happened :)
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    [QUOTE]Wrkn - that is AWFUL :(
    Posted by AllAboutTheBenjamin[/QUOTE]

    Yeah.  There was really nothing good about that NYE.

    Mom and Stepdad were supposed to get married, but step-sister didn't want them to, so they waited til she graduated high school.

    She had all kinds of neat stuff to decorate the church and have a midnight reception.  It blew.

    12/31/99 can lick my balls.
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  • I had an ice cream sundae for dinner, did karaoke at a Thai restaurant, did some swing dancing and had an awkward one-night stand with a guy that worked for the same company as my father.

  • I was 12, so I was probably either listening to the Backstreet Boys or coloring one of those velvet Lisa Frank posters. I loved those things.

  • I don't remember where I was - I know I was 18.  But I do remember everyone looking around after the whole "HAPPY NEW YEAR" bit and saying "Really, nothing happened, well, that was anticlimactic"
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  • That was the year my dad left his second wife, and we usually spent new year's eve with him since that's my mom and stepdad's anniversary and they go out. He was staying in this craptastic studio apartment (it was a house converted into separate apartments) in a really bad area. Seriously, you couldn't turn around in the shower without whacking your knee on the wall. It was SO small.

    Anyway, my brother and I had a grape-eating competition during the countdown. We tried to eat a grape per second and have them all swallowed by the new year. Why my dad let us do this, I don't know, because it doesn't work well. We both nearly choked. But we still had fun.
  • I went with my two best friends to the "First Night" thing my town threw that night - saw my ex-boyfriend perform with his (awful) band, was inconsolable because we had just recently broken up, and then went back to my friend's house and got bombed off her dad's Samuel Adams while watching No Doubt perform on TV. I was 16. Ah, high school :-)

    My NYEs have gotten notably less dramatic since then. Well, mostly.
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  • Ha, I'm loving these stories.

    Nebb and Arwo's sound the most fun.

    Although I could really see AATB's panning out between me and my sisters. 

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  • That was 8th grade, and I was at a friend's house.  Someone took a picture of me trying to get my boyfriend to turn off his Gameboy--and the tv says something like 2 minutes to midnight.  Good times, junior high...
  • How do you guys remember this stuff? I remember people stocking up on things like crazy but I dont remember what I was doing. Probably at a party or something.
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  • These are making me feel old. Just so you know, I was 21. My drunken dabauchery was legal.
  • ACTUALLY NO.  I'm really glad I remembered this, too.  The hair on fire incident was actually the year before.

    Y2K was when I started dating Ben for the third time, lol.  We were driving back from Cali for Christmas and staying at some scary hotel in Wyoming.  Before I'd left for Christmas I'd kinda been dating Ben, but one of his friends liked me too and I'd been dating him earlier that summer, we broke up, he wanted to get back with me - hey, I was 16, whatever.

    Anyway on New Year's Eve, Ben called my dad's bag phone (lol) and asked to speak to me and told me he didn't care about the other guy and wanted to give us a shot again.  So I remember being really, really happy on Y2K.
  • Um I was ten but I spent it with my family. My grandma was dying of a brain tumour and was supposed to be "at the end" so she joked about how if she died she was taking everyone with her. The ball dropped, nothing happened and we went to bed.
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  • I sat on the front lawn with our neighbors, drinking and watching the fireworks at midnight from the Sun Bowl (we lived within walking distance of the university and the game is played on NYE).  I really didn't believe anything would be disrupted, so all we had 'stockpiled' was some bottled water, TP, and babywipes. 

    I did know of someone who sold everything, bought remote property, buried large propane tanks, and collected a completely ridiculous stash of dehydrated food.  The follow-up was funny a few months later when the newspaper interviewed them and they looked so foolish.
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  • I went to chinesse food with my ex bf earlier in the night but he had to go home before midnight because his MOM is crazy and though something would happen. By the way he was 20 almost 21 years old,  I was 17 and my parents didn't care but since his mom was a wierdo they got free babysitting out of me. So I was on the phone with said bf at midnight,
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  • Hahah I just got informed by my 15 year old brother that he is going to a kegger, but I "dont understand" because this is an "insane" kegger... WITH A KEG. Hahah im not THAT old that keggers when I was a teenager didnt have kegs. Happy new years from the apparent fossil sittin over here!
  • edited December 2010
    Ya, I was 12. I'm pretty sure that was one of the nights I stayed up after my whole family had gone to bed, and drank mimosa's, waiting for the world to end. I'm pretty sure I wanted it to. I was a morbid little child.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a396660a-65e2-491e-a4c4-dcb19f08be2aPost:80abd3c5-b1bd-4f6b-9700-ae5fd8d19812">Re: Y2k</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ya, I was 12. I'm pretty sure that was one of the nights I stayed up after my whole family had gone to bed, and drank mimosa's, waiting for the world to end. I'm pretty sure I wanted it to. I was a morbid little child.
    Posted by cupcakesfrosting[/QUOTE]

    I've missed you.
  • I was 12. My girlfriend had a sleepover and all I remember is having these plastic champagne glasses (for soda) that had a hologram that went from 1999 to 2000. Other than that, I know I drank an insane amount of Mountain Dew, that's about it.
  • I was 19. I was working. My job did a laserlight show at midnight. Me and another coworker took E. Yup, I was one of those kids.
    After work, we all went to someones house and partied. I vaugly remember someone had lots of glowsticks. Two sets of my friends hooked up that night. They are happily married with kids now.

    At another one of my friends house parties that night, a few of the guys snuck out to the garage and flipped the fusebox at midnight to freak everyone out. People started screaming until they looked outside and the neighbors lights were still on.
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