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Can I complain about a coworker for a minute?

I'm astounded by the level of stupidity from the guy. So a new book we are publishing has factual elements even though the book is fictional. So I am checking facts for the book and I've started to notice many are wrong. So I ask the editor where he got all of this information, and he says, "Oh it's a very reputable source."
And of course I ask what the source is. "Wikipedia." Um, what? Yes that is the most factual and trustworthy site on the Internet. When I try to tell him it's wrong and Wikipedia is not, in fact, a good source, he actually said "Well I'm the editor so I get to make the calls." Ok, but facts are facts. But not really. So if any of you ever read this book, I'm sorry.

Re: Can I complain about a coworker for a minute?

  • Oh no. I don't get how people don't understand that it is publicly written and other people screw it up all the time. Good luck fact checking for someone that doesn't want actual facts.
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  • WTF? Is he serious. Does he not know anyone can submit to Wiki?
  • You should right a blurb on wikipedia.  So then you can wiki "wikipedia" and have it say "This is not considered a legitimate and reliable source."
  • What a dumbass!
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  • Seriously?

    I had a class once with a major paper and presentation that required at least 3 academic sources (it was a Philosophy of Religion class). One guy used Wikipedia, and the Bible. No jokes.
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  • As an author, that hurts my writing soul. I can't imagine trying to publish something with blatantly wrong facts. And it kind of pisses me off that some guy who used stupid Wiki pages gets accepted by a publishing company.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Can I complain about a coworker for a minute?</a>:
    [QUOTE]You should right a blurb on wikipedia.  So then you can wiki "wikipedia" and have it say "This is not considered a legitimate and reliable source."
    Posted by anna.oskar[/QUOTE]

    I vote for this
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:b7495d7d-22b2-4be1-ad63-eb01f54bd6afPost:0e23f5ff-1939-45a4-8180-89142c336f62">Re: Can I complain about a coworker for a minute?</a>:
    [QUOTE]You should right a blurb on wikipedia.  So then you can wiki "wikipedia" and have it say "This is not considered a legitimate and reliable source."
    Posted by anna.oskar[/QUOTE]

    Ha! This is awesome.

    I wanted to show him the article on Wikipedia about H's hometown. Just to be an ass, I wrote "H's stepdad is king of North Manchester" in the middle of the population information.
  • This should be a firable offense.  I mean, really.  He crazy!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Can I complain about a coworker for a minute?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Can I complain about a coworker for a minute? : I vote for this
    Posted by JenGin74[/QUOTE]

    I went to the wikipedia wiki and it states "As a consequence of the open structure, Wikipedia "makes no guarantee of validity" of its content, since no one is ultimately responsible for any claims appearing in it.<sup class="reference"><a href=""><span>[</span>104<span>]</span></a></sup> Concerns have been raised regarding the lack of <a href="" title="Accountability">accountability</a> that results from users' anonymity,<sup class="reference"><a href=""><span>[</span>105<span>]</span></a></sup> the insertion of spurious information,<sup class="reference"><a href=""><span>[</span>106<span>]</span></a></sup> <a href="" title="Vandalism">vandalism</a>, and similar problems."
  • That sucks. I truly hope no reads the book if it's going to be filled wrong facts.
  • Unfortunately, he's been with the company as a freelance editor for many years, and I guess no one's made a stink about his dumbness before. But I'll be damned if I'm going to have my name on a book that's wrong.
  • Whoa.  That is completely ridiculous. 
  • Wow.  That's just... wow.  Remind me to have YOU be my editor when I finally do get that novel finished. lol.

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  • Ugh, that's ridiculous mara. I'd be pissed off too.

    When it comes out, you could always get yourself an Amazon account and trash the hell out of it in the reviews.
  • I have a professor who used to call it Wrongopidea.  People need to understand Wikipedia is no a scholarly source and should not be referenced.
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