Snarky Brides


Oh my fucking god I could just lose it right now.

My husbands manager (he is assistant manager) is an fucking tool. She seriously is. Since she has started there, she has flat out refused to give him saturday nights off work because she "has a life" - the only saturdays he has had off since she started have been because he booked them off. Shes dumb as a post, she doesnt know how to DO any of her tasks and Adam ends up doing them at the last minute so they actually get done. She cant schedule to save her life and Adam is always having to fix it.

2 months ago, a sheet went up to chose your christmas days off - Adam chose christmas day, boxing day, open new years eve and off new years day. Since then she has just fucked things up and fucked him around and I knew she was going to fucking do this. She has schedule him for boxing day "because there was no one else to work" and she gave the day off to someone else. Adam was the FIRST and ONLY person who physically booked that day off, and yet it gets given to someone else. She also tried booking him for new years day and he crossed it out and put himself as off (schedule wasnt made at this point).

This is already on top of so much bullshit. Can I please PLEASE call her up and rip her to shreds for being a fucking useless waste of space. Please. tell me I can?

Re: Rage

  • Do it.  What an obnoxious moron.  I hate when people can't do their fucking jobs. 
  • This explains your FB status. And it sucks. Does she just have it out for him in general? Is he the newbie? 
  • I say you *pretend* to do it, so you can get your rage out....but, don't actually do. That could be bad. Real bad. I'd be pissed too. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Ugh, frustrating!  You COULD call her, but that would be a bad plan.  I'm sorry she's being a tool.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Yeah, and by do it, I mean scream here as if we are her.  I don't actually think you shoudl tell her off, but you probably knew that already.
  • My husband has been there 2 years now, she only just started about 3 or 4 months ago when the old manager quit. My husband SHOULD have taken the management job but he didnt want to because of his comics and now he is seriously kicking himself. She has only been in the company for about 6 or 7 months over all and just cant do things. He can bust out a schedule in half an hour, it takes her half a day (and she will just sit in the back room doing it, while he is actually out front working).

    The other big problem, their district manager that he knew really well quit at the same time as the manager, and the new one they have he has never met and has absolutely no repore with. He has WANTED to complain, but he (and the others he works with) worried she would be like "and who the hell are you?". She is going to the store tomorrow and Adam is probably going to talk to her privately about the shiit going on.
  • how it all works out...he has been there for a while and gets screwed by the newbie...that sucks. I am sorry this is happening Nebb, particularly because it is the holidays, and your b-day, and you are making a turkey on the 25th...I can see why him having the 26th off would have been blows. 
  • My husband is very lazy and will avoid confrontation. I jsut wish to god I could somehow possess him and rain down a major shitstorm on her head for all of this. If he would just bring this crap to her superiors attention im sure something would happen and it drives me nuts he has pretty much just laid down and took it up until this poin.
  • I don't think calling her would do any good. I think your best bet would be to beat the shiit out of her and then beat some sense into her. (This is obviously not serious advice). I hope that he's able to somehow get his days off.

    It is true that pit bulls grab and hold on. But what they most
    often grab and refuse to let go of is your heart

  • Thanks chichi, i hope so too.

    What if I just made a scathing phone call without swearing? is that ok?
  • I'm sorry Nebb this really sucks. But why is he covering for her and doing her job. Seriously let her fall on her face and the DM will wonder what the hell she was hired for in the first place. And then maybe he will have a chance at the management job after all.

    Tell him to go do his job, and only his job and when he's done leave. Don't do the schedule, or anything else she should be doing. In the end she'll fvck herself.

    Isn't this the one you suspect of having a crush on him?
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Rage</a>:
    [QUOTE]Its not just wanting to see him, my dad/brothers are coming down and i told them he was free on boxing day so they were probably coming then. She is basically screwing him out of "family time". It just makes me so angry, she totally takes advantage of him. I feel so bad for him :(
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]
    I get you completely.  I'm way more ballsy than FI in situations like this and it pisses me off that he'll just deal with it because he's a good worker and then it makes me feel like a bitch for getting mad.  But I'm getting mad FOR him, not at him.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Rage</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Rage : I get you completely.  I'm way more ballsy than FI in situations like this and it pisses me off that he'll just deal with it because he's a good worker and then it makes me feel like a bitch for getting mad.  But I'm getting mad FOR him, not at him.
    Posted by NatesGirl16[/QUOTE]

    <div>This is me. Oh wow, this is me.</div>
  • Oh that bites!  Is she the same one that I've heard about before?  God, she sucks.  What harm could a quick throatpunch do?  Just a little tap.  No?  Would that be soooo wrong?
  • Wow. She sucks. I feel your pain, because my boss is the same way. They order us to work mandatory OT, but you will never catch them in the office on weekends because "I have a family and life outside of work." Um, what, so we're a bunch of spinster cat ladies with nothing better to do?

    I agree with KD, he should stop covering for her and just let her fall flat on her ass. Man. I hate this woman so hard for you.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Rage</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm sorry Nebb this really sucks. But why is he covering for her and doing her job. Seriously let her fall on her face and the DM will wonder what the hell she was hired for in the first place. And then maybe he will have a chance at the management job after all. Tell him to go do his job, and only his job and when he's done leave. Don't do the schedule, or anything else she should be doing. In the end she'll fvck herself. Isn't this the one you suspect of having a crush on him?
    Posted by kd.joseph[/QUOTE]
    That was his old manager, who left. This new chick is just... uugh. Even if she did have a crush I have NOTHING to worry about!

    He doesnt exactly "cover" for her, but if certain things dont get done, he cant do his job and it will just turn out worse if it doesnt get done. He hates disarray and likes things done properly so he will always end up doing it. He is honestly looking for a new job, just nothing has panned out. He has a lead, but they arent starting interviews yet.
  • That sucks, but no I don't think you can call.
     Can he e-mail HR about the issue? A well composed e-mail is always good. I'd also tell him to let her knwo that he is not working boxing day. You have plans, and she will have to work that day since she made the mistake.
  • Well I understand that, and he cant make himself look bad in the end.

    And I know how you feel, I always get angry when DH gets treated like crap by someone at work. I think its our protective instincts kicking in.
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  • I think tomorrow will be the first step and depending on how that goes, a letter outlining the issues (he has kept documentation) will be next.
  • What a dumbass.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:c21c70e2-8106-4385-a9db-4898a34c6b27Post:7d79bc1f-8c79-4673-a413-baf6552768a1">Re: Rage</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Rage : I get you completely.  I'm way more ballsy than FI in situations like this and it pisses me off that he'll just deal with it because he's a good worker and then it makes me feel like a bitch for getting mad.  But I'm getting mad FOR him, not at him.
    Posted by NatesGirl16[/QUOTE]


    FI's old boss, literally used to HIT him. I got so mad, I walked to the restaurant, stood at the door, but couldn't make myself go in. If I was the one who said something, HE would be penalized for ME standing up for him.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Rage</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Rage : Exactly. FI's old boss, literally used to HIT him. I got so mad, I walked to the restaurant, stood at the door, but couldn't make myself go in. <strong>If I was the one who said something, HE would be penalized for ME standing up for him.</strong>
    Posted by cupcakesfrosting[/QUOTE]
    Thats the only thing stopping me.

    I  just talked to my husband again and he is for sure talking to the district manager tomorrow about it and has it pretty much planned out in his head the points he will bring up. AND he is going to tell her he booked the day off because he is NOT available, he booked it off first so he should get it and see what happens.
  • Ugh. My old manager would do that. FI planned a weekend away for the two of us to fly down to MO to visit his family on the weekend of my birthday. I requested off Thursday through Sunday. He gave me off Thursday and Saturday. I put my request in in August. For October.

    I called out.
    I also printed out my request form for documentation and CC'd it to the DM. Manager got called out for not following protocol for scheduling. Apparently, he'd done this to numerous associates.

    This sucks. I feel for you, for being mad for him. And there's nothing a quick punch to the throat won't cure. :)
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:c21c70e2-8106-4385-a9db-4898a34c6b27Post:a5412cc0-82aa-4979-a976-8e09958d03df">Re: Rage</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Rage : Thats the only thing stopping me. I  just talked to my husband again and he is for sure talking to the district manager tomorrow about it and has it pretty much planned out in his head the points he will bring up. AND he is going to tell her he booked the day off because he is NOT available, he booked it off first so he should get it and see what happens.
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]

    You may need to make sure he actually does it. If he is anything like FI, he'll just ignore it (except at home), because he hates confrontation, or anything of the sort. Even asking his bosses for a day off for his birthday or our anniversary, he gets all nervous and weird.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Rage</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Rage : You may need to make sure he actually does it. If he is anything like FI, he'll just ignore it (except at home), because he hates confrontation, or anything of the sort. Even asking his bosses for a day off for his birthday or our anniversary, he gets all nervous and weird.
    Posted by cupcakesfrosting[/QUOTE]
    I know. I know it bugs him that I am "on him" about it, but I know he is like that. I dont stand for shiit, and he knows that, so I think he gets why im doing it.

    I do like that suggestion of going above her head if she says he has to work it. He booked it off first and that is the way its always worked there.
  • Are there other people there on his side? Maybe they could help him out.
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