Which is more important to you, a job you love or spending time with family?
Backstory : Most of the jobs H loves work in night shifts. When we first started dating he loved his position at PSmart because it ran 10pm until 8am. No customers, no phone calls, just go in, do the job and go home.
After we were dating for about a year he switched to a day shift so that we could spend time together, but he really dislikes being at work now. He's been looking for other jobs but everything he's interested in seems to be aiming at a night shift.
Nothing would happen with the marriage, but I don't know if I could handle him working a night shift again. I was incredibly lonely and depressed that first year and went to a very dark place. But I also feel really guilty that he's working a job he really doesn't like to keep me happy. H says he would much rather spend time with me and have a mediocre job than have a wonderful job but never see me, but I still feel guilty.
What say you?