Snarky Brides


Anyone else awake yet??

Pups woke us up this morning, I let them out, and then they came back inside and curled up on our feet in bed.  They never do that, so it was a nice extra hour of sleep. :)

I really need to go grocery shopping, but I don't want to. I'm considering ordering them online for delivery instead. There are two places in town that do it, and I've heard good stuff about both.  Have any of you all done the grocery delivery??

Re: Sunday?

  • Good morning.

    I don't do grocery delivery, but I do order online and then pick up.  I've had mostly good experience with it, sometimes they're having an "off" day or something, but usually it's good.

    I can't believe it's Sunday already.  This weekend has flown by. 
  • Good morning!  

    I've never ordered online, but I prefer to pick out my own food so that I can check the expiration dates and get the freshest bread I can, check the eggs to make sure they aren't cracked, etc. But I'm a little neurotic, so there's that. 
  • Grocery delivery is AMAZING! I would highly recommend it. It also saves time if you typically buy the same stuff each time because the websites usually saves your last list. 
  • Mornin' Y'all!

    We have several organic grocery delivery services here. I even interviewed for a job wit one of them last week, but if they offer I' going to turn it down for a variety of reasons. Anyway, we used to order what they call a Local Box from them every other week. For $35 they deliver a box with enough local organic veggies to last us a couple weeks. If I cooked more it would be just a week. 

    They offer lots of other groceries too, but not stuff like toilet paper and cleaning supplies, which are usually on my grocery list, so I'd have to go to the store anyway. I liked the produce though. We don't order in the winter because the box is green heavy and we don't eat that many greens. 
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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Good Morning.

    The only time I ever did grocery delivery was a few years ago when I broke my foot and couldn't drive well.  It worked really well and the old guy from Hy-Vee who delivered, was nice enough to bring it all into my kitchen for me.

    I've been up for a few hours and am contemplating waking my H up because my stomach is starting to growl and I'm thinking a frittata sounds like breakfast. Mjaybe with peppers and sausage.

    No big plans today.  My niece will be over from 1-9 today so lots of fun to be had.  My H thinks he'll be able to enlist her help in cleaning up his office some more but I just told him goos luck with that.  She likes me and baking more  ;)
  • I would love grocery delivery. Never tried it though.

    Today I'm working on my class, doing a little cleaning, then we're going to my mom's for the night. I'm excited to get away from these goddamn jets for a bit and have some peace and quiet for once.
  • I think I'm going to try the online delivery. I guess there's a third one (which also has the option to drive-through and pick up.)  The grocery store closest to our house is gross, but the one by my work is really nice. I just hate going after work, but if I could just pick up them, it's totally worth it!

    We buy most of our produce and meat at Costco, so I usually only going grocery shopping for odds and ends. hmm. 

    Sarah- how'd the interview go? Why aren't you interested?

  • Yo! 

    I would love onine delivery. I think I would save a shitton of money by doing that because I always buy extra crap that I don't need when I see it in the store.
  • celticmysscelticmyss member
    1000 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited January 2012
    I haven't tried grocery delivery but there are a few places around here that do it. I usually need to go to the store to get inspired though, I have a hard meal planning at home. It is something I am working on.

    I was amused to find that one of the recommended bridal blogs on the Knot community page is by the "I hope this is a troll" TN poster that Ricks linked to earlier this week (link). Either that is one dedicated troll or a very sad individual. 
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  • Good morning. Im heading into work and H is off to the Pats game. My throat is sore. I hope its not a cold.
    045_45-1 photo 045_45-1.jpg
    BabyFruit Ticker
    DX: PCOS/Recurrent losses/MTHFR mutation (compound hetero)
    5 hysteroscopies/2 surgical
    3 Inject IUIs = 2 m/c's and 1 BFN
    IVF #1= BFP. m/c at 7w6d. Needed 2 D&C's and scar tissue removal. Mild OHSS
    IVF #2 = BFP. Severe OHSS. 4 Drainings. TWINS!
  • Steph, I really like the company, but we'd have to make some big adjustments in our life that I'm not ready to make. Their offices are really far south and the position is a face time one. I'd have to change Sparky's daycare and still increase my commute by abour 30 minutes each way. Plus, they have a self proclaimed work-a-holic environment, and it would be for the same amount I make now. WWe really love Sparky's daycare and I'd cry if we had to leave them. The additional time away from him while commuting and additional daycare expense for putting him in a center is just not worth it. I'll keep looking. 

    Also, I realize that I really like going to the grocery store. With a nursing baby I feel like a shut in a lot of the time. Sparky likes grocery shopping too, so its something we do together to get him all tired out. 
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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • edited January 2012
    Morning ladies!

    We dont have grocery delivery here. And other then the other people there, I dont mind grocery shopping.

    I cleaned yesterday, so today is grocery and nothing else. Unless I stop at Michaels to start a new wreath.

    DH has decided to make breakfast.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Sunday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yo!  I would love onine delivery. I think I would save a shitton of money by doing that because I always buy extra crap that I don't need when I see it in the store.
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

    <div>This is partially why I order online.  There's a $5 fee at Lowes Foods, but I always save way more than that by not walking around the store.  </div>
  • Cew- exactly! The one place is only a $2 delivery, but they don't accept coupons at all.

    The fancy-pants grocery store here is the one that does pick-up and it's $5, but holy crap it would save me time. I'm seriously considering it. 

    Sarah- that sucks. :(  
  • Idk how I'd feel about grocery delivery.  Does the website show you any current sales/prices?  The grocery store is on my way home from school, so it's not a hassle at all to stop on my way home.

    FI and I found our place ysterday! I"m really excited.  It's a townhouse with two floors plus a basement.  Two huge bedrooms, two full baths, nice kitchen and living room and one car attached garage.  All for $685/month.  It's in Greenville which is like 5 miles outside of Appleton where we live and work, but it's right off the main drag that takes you between the two cities so it's an easy drive and well worth it!  Plus they said I can wait till March to move in, so I can get stuff figured out where I'm living now.  We're so excited!

    Nothing horribly special today.  Church this morning and then home the rest of the day. I'm sure FI will be watching football all day. I'm planning on doing some organizing over in my apartment.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Sunday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Sunday? : This is partially why I order online.  There's a $5 fee at Lowes Foods, but I always save way more than that by not walking around the store.  
    Posted by pirategal03[/QUOTE]

    <div>When we first moved here, I was really confused when people said they did grocery shopping at Lowes.  I've never lived anywhere else that had them, so to me Lowes = hardware store.  I'm used to it now though.  </div>
  • Chels, I don't know about COL in your area, but you'd pay twice as much for a similar place in my neighbrhood, so I think you are getting a steal. Way to go!
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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Ha, I was thinking the same thing about Lowes, LP.

    Chels, that's great about the house.
  • Woohoo Chels! That's exciting; house/apartment hunting is always so stressful.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Sunday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Idk how I'd feel about grocery delivery. <strong> Does the website show you any current sales/prices?</strong>  The grocery store is on my way home from school, so it's not a hassle at all to stop on my way home. FI and I found our place ysterday! I"m really excited.  It's a townhouse with two floors plus a basement.  Two huge bedrooms, two full baths, nice kitchen and living room and one car attached garage.  All for $685/month.  It's in Greenville which is like 5 miles outside of Appleton where we live and work, but it's right off the main drag that takes you between the two cities so it's an easy drive and well worth it!  Plus they said I can wait till March to move in, so I can get stuff figured out where I'm living now.  We're so excited! Nothing horribly special today.  Church this morning and then home the rest of the day. I'm sure FI will be watching football all day. I'm planning on doing some organizing over in my apartment.
    Posted by chelseamb11[/QUOTE]

    <div>Ours does.  I can click on "specials" and then on a category, like "produce" and have a list of every produce item that's on sale.  It has a photo, description, unit price and total price.  Or I can shop the sales paper by looking at the digital copy and clicking on the things that interest me, I get a pop-up showing the different options and I can add to my cart that way.  Or, I can search for an item and compare the unit prices to get the best one.  They also take coupons.  </div><div>
    </div><div>I usually sit down with my recipe books and the sales section open and make a meal plan while filling up my "cart" online.  </div><div>
    </div><div>Our grocery store is like 2 minutes from my house, but it's always really busy at times when I could shop.  I can spend 20 minutes on their website and save an hour at the store. </div><div>
  • What's funny is that now that I'm used to it, I always think of the food store first.  My parents got a patio table and chairs for their screened in porch and said they got it from Lowes.  I was like, you got a table and chairs from the grocery store??  Oh, mean the hardware store.  Right. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Sunday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Sunday? : When we first moved here, I was really confused when people said they did grocery shopping at Lowes.  I've never lived anywhere else that had them, so to me Lowes = hardware store.  I'm used to it now though.  
    Posted by LP11509[/QUOTE]

    <div>Growing up here "Lowes" = food and "hardware store" = Lowes</div><div>
    </div><div>confused yet?</div>
  • Good morning!  I would KILL for grocery delivery.  Especially now that I'm going to have to go on least until I get my schedule settled the way I want it.  I hope for Fridays to be work from home days, so I can go then.  But it will be at least 3 weeks before that will happen.

    House hunting is OFFICIALLY underway for us.  We went to an open house yesterday, and we both really liked the house.  It's at the high end of our budget, but if we finish the basement (it's partially finished, the bones for walls are up, it just needs drywall, carpet, and finishes) it will have 3 stories of living space and be a decent investment.  Of course, it's only the first, so we're keeping an open mind!

    Today we're going out for brunch, to get groceries, and to two open houses, then home for football.

    Does anyone want to help me pick out the photos to get prints of to go with my anniversary gift map?  I'm stuck.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Chels, gotta love the middle-of-nowhere Midwest.  That's a great deal!
  • The one that I'm looking at runs their own specials, they don't take coupons, but it's only a $2 delivery charge. (Or free if you spend $100.)

    The second one also does their own specials, accepts coupons, and is a $10 delivery charge (but you can get it same day.)  And they have their own name-brand stuff, which looks pretty affordable.

    The third option is actually one of the grocery stores in town that does either a pick up ($5) or delivery ($10).  You get the same prices as in the store and they accept coupons.  But, they're typically a little higher priced than some of the other stores in town.  BUT their food is always super fresh, and I already 'trust' them. Plus, their store is right by the Costco we use.  So we could place the order ot pick up on our way home from Costco.  Then I don't have to spend 2 hours shopping. bah.
  • That's exciting about the house!  I love your rental prices.  Ours are ridiculous for the area we're in, but this is a very high rental cost area.  THough it's still cheap compared to the east coast and the west coast, and bigger cities.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Steph, I think I'd chose option 3.  I'm really picky about where my groceries come from, and if you took the time to do coupons (I don't know if you already do), then you might end up saving a decent amount of money.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Steph, maybe the first time you can fill a "cart" at both/all of the places online to see how much money you would save one way or the other, then just cancel the ones you don't want (before actually purchasing of course)?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Sunday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Chels, I don't know about COL in your area, but you'd pay twice as much for a similar place in my neighbrhood, so I think you are getting a steal. Way to go!
    Posted by SarahPLiz[/QUOTE]

    COL is low here compared to the rest of the country.  Compared to the state though, its probably medium.  I also forgot to mention it comes with washer and dryer!  I'm excited about that because we can't really afford a set right now.  My mom lives in a place similar to what we're getting (not quite as big though) and she only pays $450/mo.  But that's also in Rapids (Steph you'll know how relatively normal tha tis haha)

    Steph, I'd go with option 3.  In the end, I see food as a mini-investment.  You are investing in your immediate as well as long-term health, especially with veggies and with meat.  Better quality/less preservatives = higher health. If you trust them, then I'd do them.
  • J- the 3rd option is Lunds/Byerly's. (Do you have those there?) So really high quality.  You said you have a Hy-Vee, right? They do the online ordering/pick up thing, I think!  

    LP- I think I might do that.  It's so much work though! haha. I'm going to make my grocery list soon and I'll just fill up a cart at all three and see how they compare. 
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