Snarky Brides

2nd hand gifts

What are your thoughts on this?

My brother has asked for a bunch of things for christmas - graphic novels and stephen king books. One of the books I personally own (plus its sequel) and I started reading it and just didnt like it. My husband owns some of the graphic novels he has said he is interested in, and probably wont ever read them again. All of these things are in good condition.

Would it be bad to give them to him for christmas? I had budgeted 50$, but I worry if I get him 50$ worth of stuff PLUS all of this extra stuff, it will make my other brother feel like shiit (though, last year I spent my budget plus regifted something he had gotten me the year before back to him). Thoughts?

Re: 2nd hand gifts

  • If they are things he wants I don't see why it would be a bad thing. We got second-hand wedding gifts and appreciate them just as much as the brand new stuff. I say go for it!
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  • I think it's fine, especially for books.
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  • I think it is fine for books.
  • I think it would be really hard to tell that a book was second hand.
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  • The one I started reading has those spine creases from how I read books, but I only read 1/4 of the way in so its not BAD. Other than that theyre in perfect condition (ive never even touched the 2nd one, its just atleast 6 years old)
  • Regifted books are the best books since it's shows that the original owner liked the story enough to share it with me.
  • I would probably just give him the books and still get him a gift.
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  • I think it's fine. These are things he really wants and I don't think he would see a problem with it.
  • I pass books on all the time, but not as holiday gifts.  I say give them to him, but not as a Christmas gift.  Re-gifting something you haven't used is one thing, but a book is different. 
  • I live 3+ hours from him, I probably wont see him again between now and christmas. He is 15 btw, if that matters at all. I asked my husband to pick out some books from his graphic novels and he has a huge stack he thinks my brother would like and theyre all pristine. I dunno.
  • What about those, plus a partial amount of what you'd budgeted, in the form of a gift card to a bookstore or other place he'd like to spend some money, or just some cash?
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  • Ive already spent 10$ on him, but I would be loathe to spend more than 20 total WITH that other stuff, and I cant think of what else I can get for 10$ without it seeming cheap.
  • Why don't you give him the books, then if he really likes one or two of them, use the $50 to get really nice copies of them.  That way he has the ones he feels he can read and is comfortable if they get wet/torn or whatever, then he has the nice ones to put on display or on his bookshelf in a place they'll be safe and can be passed down.  Sugar has two copies of The Ultimate Hichhiker's Guide, one is well loved, the other is a first release edition and it sets on the bookshelf as something he cherishes.
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  • Books/reading material I think are great to regift.  Other items I might be a bit more picky about.
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  • I work in a used bookstore, and we get REALLY busy around the holidays, so apparently a lot of people do it. As long as they are in good shape, I think it's a good idea. Plus, saving the environment by reusing books = awesome.
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  • I think its totally fine!  I love to read and would be happy with this gift for sure.  Especially the graphic novels.  Don't always have to spend $$ for it to be a gift.

    In fact, I might just hijack this idea and suggest to my cousin who likes to read.  We always buy each other a sweater for Christmas and, well, I think I would like the books better!
  • If it were me, I would just give him the books and keep that separate from his holiday gift.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 2nd hand gifts</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: 2nd hand gifts : (hijack) See, I work with a guy who reads a ton and when he's done, he just THROWS THEM AWAY.   That just drives me nuts.  If I ever have a book that someone wants and I've read it, they're welcome to it. 
    Posted by jcbsjr[/QUOTE]
    I cant even comprehend that! What a waste.
  • I'm late on this, but I say go for it! My absolute favorite gifts when I was a kid were the Stephen King and Dean Koontz books my uncle would buy and read through the year, and then save for me for Christmas. I would get 10-12 great hardback and paperback books from him, and they were the ones my mom wouldn't buy for me. :) He is still my favorite uncle.
  • I would probably just give him the books and still plan on buying a present. 
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