Snarky Brides


Okay, my SS rocks, and will have no idea how much this cheered me up after a bad morning! Bonus points: I saw a double rainbow walking home from picking it up at the post office. 

I collect octopuses and loooove them. I also have to name each one (I know, I'm a weirdo). So you guys will have to help me name this one!

I also got RAD earrings, which are PERFECT because my SS knows I like dangly weird stuff, but I don't really like bright colors (you can't really tell from pic, but it is a black button with a clear glass bead coming from it, Also perfect for my work, because I wear red, black, and white there and am running out of options!):

The funny thing is I have a stuffed animal octo that sits on the corner of my four post bed. He now has a friend! He's totally going up there and now I have to find two more :P

This is "Sherman" with new friend:

Re: AW SS!

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