October 2013 Weddings


What I didn't say in my newbie post was why we have changed our date/plans so often.  Budget and our families have played a huge role in all of this.  Today seemed to be a HUGE breakthrough.  So to all the girls rooting for us to keep the date, it's now set in stone!!!

I know this was so random, just have a wonderful feeling about the ladies on this board and knew y'all would cheer me on Smile
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Re: Relief!!

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    Yay! Glad to hear you have nailed down the date. That was my favorite part. We had been engaged for a couple years before we finalized our date. Good for you. Now you can start on more of the fun things.
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    Congrats on the firm date - things will start to fall into place.  Just remember to relax (as much as possible) and enjoy the process.  The ladies here really are great.  I adore them.  Ask for their opinion and you will get it.  My favorite thing about the board is how diverse it is.  Each relationship is different, each wedding is different and all brides are their own.  Embrace it and join in often.  
    S'mores. Just S'mores please.
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    Thats great! I remember when I had my date picked out, it is so exciting! I am pretty new as well so I am with you, everyone on this board as been super nice! 
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    You know it's funny you say that, it does feel like it's starting to fall into place!  Seems like everyone's schedule works out to the date.  One thing, how do you get your FI more excited???  Or do I just need to come to the realization that the guys aren't nearly as pumped as we are?
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    The guys (at least mine) just isn't as pumped. I let FI pick out the things that he was really excited about and run with it - ok, he picked out the bar and is excited about it, and I added on the formal wear for him. He goes to the appts that I ask, but really doesn't care.
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    Daisypath Wedding tickers 

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    I totally agree with this!!!  I'm not exactly sure what to get him excited about.  I know I will end up thinking of something.  You are a smart woman!
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    Ro041Ro041 member
    First Anniversary First Comment First Answer 5 Love Its
    Woohoo!  Congrats! 

    Guys really aren't as exited about the details of the wedding.  I let FI pick out the things that he really wanted - the date, his suit, transportation, food, and cupcakes.  Other than that, he couldn't care less.  Haha.

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