October 2013 Weddings

New To the Board 10/5/13 Bride

Hi! Just wanted to introduce myself, I have been engaged since April and a definite "lurker" on the boards. My wedding date is 10/5/13 and I hope the day is as nice as it is today in NJ! We have booked our church, venue, DJ, Photographer, Hotel room block/day after breakfast, but I know we still have tons to do and I'm really excited!

Re: New To the Board 10/5/13 Bride

  • Yay Welcome! Are you glad the one year mark is finally here? I am!

    Oh and I really hope our weather this day next yr isn't the same. Its only a high of 54 today. NOT COOL!


  • Thanks!
    Yes, I am so glad, it seemed like it was so far off when we got engaged, but actually these past 6 months have flown by!
    Oh no, 50's is not good! Keeping my fingers crossed for MUCH nicer weather for you next year!!
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