August 2012 Weddings


Hey y'all. Who's totally relieved tomorrow's Friday? Anyone up for a weekly survey?

What'd you do this week that was wedding related? NWR? What are you most looking forward to this weekend?

WR: Looked at tuxes. Found the BM dresses.
NWR: Had a job interview. Went well. I hope.
Most looking forward to this weekend: FI got invited to a wedding for one of his old school chums. I love weddings, so I'm pretty pumped.


  • I am definitely looking forward to a boring, relaxing weekend!
  • mercy, I love your BM dresses! Gorgeous!
  • colstj1colstj1 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited January 2012
    I like the idea of a weekly survey type thing, but I post a "weekend updates" post every Sunday evening or Monday so that we can all fill each other in on WR an NWR things we did over the weekend. So, to have this post on Fridays and Mondays would be repetative (even thought yours is about the week)

    Another idea would be fun though that you could post weekly though that an questions survey with different things to get to know each other more, or something like that.! :))

    (ps. I hope this didn't come off sounding mean, I just don't think we need two weekly WR and NWR updates a week)
  • edited January 2012
    Oh, gosh, I'm sorry! I never check the monthly board. Definitely noted.
  • No problem! :) Like I said it would still be fun if you started something up that you could post weekly!
  • I definitely will, next week. ;)

  • WR: Left a message with my seamstress and just waiting for a call back so I can make an appointment. Scheduled BM dress shopping with all the ladies for next Sunday!

    NWR: I'm going BM dress shopping tomorrow for my friend's wedding...we are each others BM' we have 2 weekends in a row of this! lol & then we're gunna all go out to lunch right outside of Boston

    Most looking forward to this weekend: See above ^ & relaxing all day Sunday!
    126 Invited image
    37 Ready to Rock! image
    9 Party Poopers image
    80 Can't find the mailbox imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • owengirl996owengirl996 member
    Sixth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited January 2012
    WOOHOO for Friday!!!

    WR: Changed our date lol and ordered STDs! Also ordered some supplies for a DIY for our candy buffet. Oh, and ordered the boring forever wedding stamps for the STDs...postage goes up the 22nd, so I thought that'd be cutting it a little close. I plan to do pretty custom ones for our invites, though!

    NWR: Worked...which is what I am supposed to be doing now (Well, I am, just waiting on any phone calls!) Otherwise...not a lot. Went to the gym once, going again tonight and was going to go yesterday but had an awful migraine and kept feeling dizzy, so FI told me not to. My week days aren't very exciting since I work 8-4:30 everyday! I need to go grocery shopping after the gym today, too.

    This weekend I'm excited to start our registry and go look at tuxes! I was debating going to NH to visit my sister/MOH, but we decided to wait until my STDs come in so we can work on those while I'm there. I also need to take my Christmas tree down tomorrow...
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: TGIAF</a>:
    [QUOTE]mercy, I love your BM dresses! Gorgeous!
    Posted by LittleMissCutiePie[/QUOTE]

    <div>Thanks :-D</div>
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