Hello all, I am a new Knottie and I have enjoyed readong some post here as I know it will come in handy. My situation is a bit difficult and need some advice:
I am from the US, originally WV but lived the past 4 years in Jax FL where I met my FI who is from Germany...I just moved to Germany 6 months ago. So, with that said, were having our legal ceremony here in Decemeber (for Visa reason, insurance ect) while were planning to have our Wedding in August 2012. So, for teh past 2 months I have been racking my brain whith the question, WHERE DO WE GET MARRIED? And It's driving me crazy.
Were having a small intimate wedding with about 50 close friends and family. The one thing that we know we want is the ocean. Therfor eliminating having it here in Germany or in my home town in WV. We love teh idea of a Caribbean destination wedding (since any wedding will be destination for us and our guests) but I just can't bring myself to ask people to spend that much money to attend my wedding. We considered having it on the coast of SC since that's a good halfway poing for WV family and FL friends...but my FI and I haven't spent any time in SC thus far, therefor marking it off the list as well. My sister just moved to San Diego and my family has mentioned planning it there, we have not been to SD yet but we are going for two weeks next month. And last but not least, there's Jacksonville FL where we met and fell in love which it a consideration except for the fact that the wedding is small and we have a lot of friends there that we would feel bad about not inviting with it being in that city.
We aslo have his family and best friends flying over from Germany to attend as well.
So...has anyone else been in the dilima of living away, having family and friends everywhere and just not knowing where to start?
My best friend tells me that I am thinking of everyone else and not what we want, could this be the case?
Oh...and after reading these post that most of you have everything booked already, I also feel really behind in this planning...adding more anxiety to my dillema. Help!