August 2012 Weddings

Minor Rant

Last month I was given additional responsibility at work which means more travel.  I like travel it just makes it really difficult to meet with vendors.  I've been trying to schedule time with our venue to start the planning and tastings since my schedule is getting rather hectic with work trips.      Our co-ordinator said she was pretty flexible over the next 2 weeks.   My FI and I come up with a date and time that works with both of our busy schedules only to be told that day doesn't work.  Having a list of dates and times that were available would have been helpful to start with.    We did eventually get a list of dates and times the co-ordinator and the room were free but that information would have been useful to start with. 

So glad I am going away this weekend :)

August 2012 - Married! Follow Me on Pinterest

Re: Minor Rant

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    I hate little frustrations like that!  Plus, when you try to vent to someone about it, there's nothing completely unreasonable that the other party did, it's just you are stressed to the max, so it seems like a big deal and hassle to you when it doesn't fall into your jam-packed schedule the way you had hoped.  I completely get this!!  I'm just happy that I won't have these little details to deal with after the wedding - back to normal!
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