So our photographer is someone that I have had my eye on forever. I have always loved her work so of course she was the first thing we booked. The only thing is that she is a relative, which I didn't think was a problem but now I think she is cutting corners and not doing what she would with a normal couple. Honestly she is my mother's great aunt's, daughter's son's wife. So like not that close at all so I didn't think it would be a big deal. We did our engagment pictures in November and have yet to get the engagement photobook that she was making for us, and for the wedding she said she was going to have her and her assistant as another photographer but now her husband is coming and I don't know if this is instead of or what. And on top of that we are paying for her lodging but my uncle is going to stay with them too, so I'm basically paying for her, her husband and my uncle. To me that's not cool right?!?!?!