August 2012 Weddings

When do you register?

When are all of your Aug brides registering? Our wedding is the 4th so I figure my shower will be in June or July. I don't want to do it too soon or too late. Thanks!
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Re: When do you register?

  • I'm planning on registering January or February of next year.  I'm starting to get antsy--so I'm thinking January!


  • I am the 4th too!

    I am thinking we are going to register late May.  All the seasonal stuff for spring is usually winding down and you are pretty safe that products will still be there for the shower AND the wedding!  You can always go in and ask the bridal consultant at the place(s) you are planning to register!  Have fun!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker Follow Me on Pinterest "I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it." -Carrie ~ Sex and the City
  • We are planning on registering in February (although at PP said, we (read: I) are getting anxious and excited to register so I may give in during January).

    I have started making a list of kitchen stuff we need as we cook so that I remember what I really want to register for (I don't function without to-do lists...). We are moving in with my parents after Xmas and may not see our kitchen stuff again until after Feb.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I'm the 4th too. We registered a while ago but I am super type-a and wanted to get one thing off my list to do.
  • We will most likely wait until Feb although I agree with the others that it is going to be hard to wait..
  • i got engaged in aug 2010, and right away got asked for registry items by family (my birthday is in september) for my birthday and christmas.  it was just easier to do it early!  since 2010, we've gotten silverware, kitchen items and some smaller furniture items as gifts.  its nice to be able to get stuff we NEED! =) 

    I would suggest starting early to at least get some items up there.  You don't have to find everything right away...we didnt actually pick dishware until this past july, and I still haven't picked bakeware.

    FWIW we did our registry through amazon, so we could add amazon items (which were usually cheaper), and we could also add ANY item from ANY website using their 'universal registry' button.  made it really easy for us.  the only tough part was the fact that we get emails every time someone buys something for us --- we always end up ruining the surprise by looking at the 'thank you' list to figure out what they bought! haha
  • My wedding is also on the 4th!

    We registered a while ago also. We figured it would be helpful to the families for Christmas, and I wanted to get another check done. The more checks I get done the more relaxed I am!

    Can't wait to marry my best friend!! imageWedding Countdown Ticker Follow Me on Pinterest
  • I was thinking February too, and about 3 weeks before my shower (its June 9th) going to update some things that might be seasonal or out of stock.

    I am getting so antsy though! I just want to register.
    but i figured its a good "snowy day" thing to do in february- usually february is reallycold and kind of LONG because the days are so dark and cold. so I thought it would be something to brighten up the month. haha
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  • We already registered - people wanted to buy us stuff for our engagement party in October - and I've found it's really helpful for Christmas as well.  The only down side of registering early is that I have to keep monitoring the registry to take down anything that gets discontinued as the season changes, and to add substitutes.  Nothing major has changed though, it's mostly been decorative items that have been affected by this.
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  • Wow!  Maybe I should register earlier?!  I thought May was early!  hahaha
    Wedding Countdown Ticker Follow Me on Pinterest "I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it." -Carrie ~ Sex and the City
  • We registered last month, and I'm so glad we did!

    We registered at both Target and Kohls.  Well, Target registry has since been deleted by their messed up website (not by my choice), and the Kohls registry was having issues the day we went in so everything we clicked on was deleted and we have a blank registry.  FI thought I was too early, but we're both glad we registered early.  Now we're registering at BB&B and Sears (for FI's tools). If I had gone through the whole registry fiasco in March, I wouldn't have been very happy with all of the issues we ran into. Knowing that our weekends were getting busier, closer to the wedding, then to have to re-register elsewhere in the end.

    Keep in mind, I too, am a Type-A person.
  • I am getting antsy too to register.  I thought I had to wait awhile so things wouldnt be discountinued but Feb or March will probably be good cold weather activity. Or it depends how fast I finish all my other wedding to do's. I feel like I have a million things to decide by the end of December since my work gets really busy come January.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Planning on January or February- since we're doing STDs in January we *should* be able to hold off until February with that to occupy our time. Looking at BBB and Crate and Barrel right now and both of those should be a fun trip!
    imageDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • We registered early, Last Year! Lol, mostly because we had to move our date back a year because of deployment. We got one gift for Christmas from his mom already and his dad and my parents are getting us a couple gift from it. My bridal shower isn't until July so I just have to make sure my items don't get discontinued.
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