August 2012 Weddings

When is to soon...

To have our bachelor/bachelorette parties.  My and FI want to have them the same night to get them over with.  I know normally its within a few weeks of the wedding but my MOH is moving to florida at the end of june and wont be back until the week before the wedding, and I dont want to do it the week before.  I really want her to be there she is my best friend and weve always celebrated big events together since i could remember so her not being there woud make me sad.  Is it to soon to do them mid to late june when our wedding is not till the end of Aug? or does it not really matter.  When are you ladies planning to do yours??
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Re: When is to soon...

  • June is fine. I don't think it really matters if its within a few months.
  • Mine is going to be the same night as the shower. June 2nd as one of my good friends is in from FL and dont want to make her fly back and forth all those times. July is really busy with me for work. its whatever works.
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  • Both of mine are on the same day June 9th! People are coming in from out of town. 
  • June is fine. FI's is late June. Mine is late July. It just worked out that way.
  • Mine is this weekend.  Honestly, this whole idea bothers me.  My MOH is taking the bar exam in July, and she's going into hardcore study mode in early June, so of course I was fine with doing it in May or before.
    If people want to throw you something and a very early date is what's best for their schedule(s), than why should it matter if it seems crazy early? 

  • Thanks for the input girls..I didnt mind when we had it but I had a few people kind of turn their head at me when i told them so I wanted to make sure i wasnt going crazy! June it is then! :)
    202 Invitedimage 137 Ready to Party!!!image 65 don't know how to have fun! image RSVP Date August 4th Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I jsut had mine last weekend, it was the best for everyone involved as my girls are from boston and NYC/NJ area. It was a lot of fun!

  • My fiance is having his in June, and I'm having mine in July.  I think that June is just fine; you have to work around people's schedules and when they can get together.
  • I did mine based on when a band was playing that I really wanted to see with my girls. It will be the end of June but we had been considering early June for a while. If she is your best friend there is nothing wrong with doing it sooner so that she can attend! Have an awesome time!
  • Mine is in July, but that's when it worked. My friend is getting married in September and her party is this weekend. Just do what works for you!
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