My coWorker is an amazing cook (more like chef!) and he cooked for hsi 250person wedding...and has offered to do mine and simply the cost of the food (bc he loves doing it....however, i will pay him more, plus gas etc)
Anyway....he wants us to give him our he can cook a trial for us to taste then we can adjust as needed.
He talked about some heavy hors d'ouerves: bruschetta (sp sorry), goat chz w/ tomato mini pizzas and stuff like that. i found some "personal sized" lasagnas (in muffin pan) that would be good i think....but i am having trouble finding or thinking of a list of foods to tell him we want.
outside winery wedding, june 1, 2013. he think's he will save us enough money to a cocktail/hors d'oeurves hour PLUS a nice buffet

can you guys help me out!?!?!

thanks a bunch!