
Anyone had/having their reception at the Toledo Club?

My Fiance and I went to visit today and FELL IN LOVE with the Toledo Club. Only problem is, we have a 300+ guest list and to have a sit down dinner you can only have 200.

They offer a solution so we don't have to trim off 100 people: Have more of a cocktail type event with food stations. The lady made it seem like you could make a pretty decent meal from the food stations and made it seem like we could pretty much have any type of food/ appitizer we want, so we were happy with that, but i'm afraid people are expecting more of a dinner. Also, we are a little weary about all the different rooms that are in the building and that people will feel "left out" if they are in a room other than us... however I feel we wold be able to mingle enogh (hell, that's probably ALL we will do!! ha ha)

annnnyyyywayyyss.. this was more of a vent and to get some things off my chest, I was just curious if anyone else fell in love with toledo club and their thoughts on it, or any opinions.

thanks for reading :)

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Re: Anyone had/having their reception at the Toledo Club?

  • edited December 2011
    I've been to a couple receptions and events there and yes, I love it.  I think that is a great choice!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that. --Michael Leunig-- Planning Bio
  • edited December 2011
    thanks a bunch ladies! it's okay that it wasn't on the toledo club! lol valuble information none the less :)
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  • cschuma2cschuma2 member
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I wouldn't choose that place with 300 people unless you have 300 chairs available for them.  Based on what you said, I am picturing tons of people standing with limited seating and this generally doesn't go over well.  I would strongly suggest having a chair at a table for every butt.

    If this is the case, are they using round tables?  Can you maybe use rectangular tables instead?  Depending on the layout, you can generally seat more people this way
    imageDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011

    Excellent point cschuma2. I didn't think of this. FI and i are putting together a long list of questions for the lady to answer and that just made the list!!!  :) thanks a mil!

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  • Toledo ClubToledo Club member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Don't forget ladies, with a wedding reception that large, your rehearsal dinner might be too much for a local restaurant.  The Toledo Club also makes for a great location for the rehearsal dinner!
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