
QOTD 8/2

How did you choose your wedding colors?
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: QOTD 8/2

  • edited December 2011
    I'm not the girl that dreamed of her wedding her whole life, but I always wanted lavender as a wedding color.  Turns out most lavender BM dresses that were available when we were picking dresses were HIDEOUS so I settled on a plum/eggplant purple.  My MOH is wearing the same dress but silver so my colors are purple & silver!
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I've always wanted a fall wedding, so our wedding is very fall themed and our main colors are burnt orange and chocolate brown.
  • edited December 2011
    This is something we're trying to figure out right now! I love blue hydrangeas, so I want that to be a main color... aside from that I really don't know... 

    I've also been spending a lot of time on the Dessy-Pantone Wedding-Inspiration Boards to see what other color combos are out there... 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011

    We wanted something classy, so we originally wanted black and white with a color.  While looking at David's Bridal, I fell in love with a dark teal taffeta, and we based the wedding around black and white with the pop of teal!

  • rak123rak123 member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Wow, lots of pretty colors!  I let my FI pick the main color (he chose blue) and I wanted pink flowers.  My dress is champagne.  So, our colors are shades of blue and pink with champagne.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • edited December 2011
    My favorite color is Pink FI is Black...he says it's goth meets princess
  • edited December 2011
    We are huge Buckeye fans, so we went with a halfway Buckeye theme wedding.  So - red/black/silver
    Wedding Countdown Ticker Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that. --Michael Leunig-- Planning Bio
  • MerinMerin member
    edited December 2011
    The whole time I was leaning toward black and white with a pop of color, but I had a really hard time deciding on that color!!  It went from red to blue to turquoise and we finally ended up with bright green.  I was quite happy with our final decision. :):)
    Causes that are important to me: Planned Pethood Graham's Foundation NOCC
  • catarntinacatarntina member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    My favorite color is purple.  Always has been.  So I picked purple.  I asked FI, "What is your favorite color?"  He said, "On a car?  Blue.  To wear? Orange."

    So... we're doing purple and orange.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • edited December 2011
    I have always loved the way deep red and black look together. It worked out perfect too because I am finding so much with that color scheme!!
  • edited December 2011
    My theme is very vintagey and fall. Themed a bit after candy apples (will be favors) Deep Red, Light Gold (almost Champagne), black for tuxes. Red is my faveorite color (our wedding is a bit Buckeye themed in places -- grooms cake, garter, candy buckeyes! )
    Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust. Love still stands when all else has fallen. Corinthians 13:7-8 Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • jesselyn&kjesselyn&k member
    edited December 2011
    We're going to do plum, ivory and black. I saw a picture of this combo somewhere and since my favorite color is purple, it just kind of fit. My FI was okay with anything as long as he didn't have to wear pink =]
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • k22tk22t member
    edited December 2011
    i always knew that my colors would be a deep red and black.  with it being an october wedding, i found a cranberry color that i loved for the bms dresses and matching vests for the gms
    Kris....I'm finally a Mrs! 10/11/08
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