Okay so I need advice...
Fi and I were engaged in Oct. We both changed jobs around the same time. We took big pay cuts but we afford our bills and have a few extra bucks if needed...
Fi doesnt want a long engagement but wants to wait to get married till finances are on track. I can agree with that since I pay all the bills... We have a little debt but manageable.
I want to plan a wedding for something next year so I can make pymts to vendors but he doesnt want to do that because he said our taste will change me between now and then. I will not put a wedding on credit cards... thats insane to me.
I am out of options at this point. I actually suggested JOP which was shot down by him as well. At the end of the day, I want to marry him. I dont care how... Idk what to do.
Do I stop trying to make plans completely because he does not know what he wants?
Do I let it go and bring it up at another time?
Am I doing something wrong?
Getting Hitches 08/09/2014