Getting in Shape

Eating healthier foods making me feel hungrier?

Hey all, this is a problem i've always seemed to have ever since I first started trying to diet when I was in 8th grade. Whenever I eat a healthy food (especially for snacks), I sometimes feel hungrier afterwards than I did prior to eating it. For example, a healthy "snack" could be, a hard boiled egg and a cheese stick. I eat that, and 30 minutes later I feel even more starved than I had before. Carrot sticks, those are a good snack right? I find the more carrots I eat, the hungrier I feel (at least when they're raw). Just a high protein yogurt with some fruit? Again, same thing. Could it be that i'm not eating a good enough combination of carbs and proteins for the snacks? It's just driving me crazy, because I want a variety and I want to eat snacks that will leave me feeling satisfied, but these ideas are making me feel anything but! Advice? Ideas?
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