Getting in Shape

Distance running

I've been running for 12 years now. A few times in there I had breaks in my running, but I really do love it. I ran track for six years and was a short distance hurdler; 110 meter and 200 meter hurdles. Recently I've been dying to get more into distance running. I've been trained as short distance speed runner, so slowing down and adding distance has been a mentally difficult thing for me after so many years of being a sprinter. I also played rugby in college and even though games were 80 minutes, you'd be lucky to run more than 5 meters before getting tackled. 

Right now I can run about 3 to 3.5 miles. This morning I ran a 5K. I'd really like to get up to running a 10K before the running season is done for the year. In NY that's usually around November, assuming hardcore people don't mind running in the cold. I know a lot of you ladies are distance runners and I would love any advice about how to lengthen my runs. I do interval training runs usually two or three times a week and do just straight runs on the other days. I run five days a week and do strength training two or three days a week. TIA.
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Re: Distance running

  • I think a good place to start is to follow a training program.  They don't just have to be for beginner runners.  Plus, when you think about it, distance running is really quite different from sprinting and hurdling, so in a way you are sort of a beginner!  I really like Hal Higdon's plans, and I know he has a 10k plan.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Running season doesn't need to end in November! Some of my best runs are when it is cold out, so you may want to try it before you decide you won't do it. And if this winter is like last winter, it won't get all that cold anyway.
  • I'm not sure it even sounds like you need a training plan for the distance increase you are considering before November.  You are already running 5 days a week - on 4 of those days, keep the workouts you are used to, and on the 5th, go for a run that is 1 mile longer than your current maximum distance (so, for instance, start with 4 miles one week, then 5 the next, then maybe drop back down to 4 for a week, then up to 6).  

    After about 3 or 4 weeks (you will already have hit your goal distance!), start to incorporate slightly longer runs into your other daily workouts (e.g., do 1 mi. warm up, 2 mi fast run, or tempo, and then 1 mi cool down, and, presto, you have 4 miles).  This will help you increase speed over distance.  The general rule of thumb is don't increase total weekly milage by more than 10% a week, but I don't think you have to worry about that with what you're doing - just don't go run 5 miles every day for a week :D  Good luck, and have fun!  The 10k is such a wonderful distance (I say as I procrastinate doing mine this afternoon...).
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Distance running</a>:
    [QUOTE]To be fair, princessjas, what you're proposing is, in fact, a training plan.  Just not a formalized one like the Hal Higdon one mentioned above.  Though it's actually quote similar to his.  Some people can wing it on their own, other people (like me) like having it spelled out for them.  Either way will work for OP!
    Posted by kwitherington[/QUOTE]

    That's exactly what I was going to say.

    Any "plan" you make to do something (increase speed, distance, etc) is a training plan.  But in this case, sometimes it helps to let someone else do the thinking for you.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:238Discussion:24140574-1012-4b83-a7cc-006fe4a149cbPost:a03dc5cf-7403-4aa1-a763-91007ca26e28">Re: Distance running</a>:
    [QUOTE]Running season doesn't need to end in November! Some of my best runs are when it is cold out, so you may want to try it before you decide you won't do it. And if this winter is like last winter, it won't get all that cold anyway.
    Posted by kristinanddan[/QUOTE]

    This! There is no end to running season! Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Distance running</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Distance running : This! There is no end to running season!
    Posted by dewingedpixie[/QUOTE]

    <div>I run year around, but there aren't really any races in NY beyond November because we get lots of snow. I'm a gym rat too. Once it dips under 40* and I hide out in the gym instead of running outside. </div>
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Distance running</a>:
    [QUOTE]To be fair, princessjas, what you're proposing is, in fact, a training plan.  Just not a formalized one like the Hal Higdon one mentioned above.  Though it's actually quote similar to his.  Some people can wing it on their own, other people (like me) like having it spelled out for them.  Either way will work for OP!
    Posted by kwitherington[/QUOTE]

    <div>I guess I never thought of it like a training plan, but then, I've been making mine for years now, so they've kind of become integrated into my daily thought process!  But you're right, I did learn it somewhere (Runner's World free marathon training plans).</div>
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